Dick’s, Field & Stream Store Traffic Slumps

Dick’s Sporting Goods and their subsidiary Field & Stream stores look like ghost towns these days in America’s heartland. After reading stories about gun companies ending sales to Dick’s, and the company’s hiring of gun control lobbyists in Washington, I decided to visit the Champaign, Illinois Dick’s and Field & Stream locations. Yes, it’s anecdotal, … Read more

Payback: GOP Targets Citibank’s $700B Government Contract Over Anti-2A Policies

Actions have consequences. Delta Airlines recently lost $40 million worth of Georgia fuel tax breaks after dropping the NRA from its discount affiliate program following the Parkland shooting. Delta and its shareholders surely felt the sting of that decision. But the move against Delta may come to look like a drop in the bucket. Citibank could take … Read more

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are ‘High Capacity’ Magazines Really a Must?

Reader freddy fender writes: It’s probably safe to say that most readers are convinced they must have 30 or more rounds in a magazine for effective self-defense, at home or away. The reasoning seems to be that “you never know how big the threat is, and changing magazines can get you killed.” Pretty logical, on … Read more

Ask Kirsten Weiss: How Often Do You Clean Your Mags?


Over at TTAG’s Free Fire Zone  Stu asks our resident sharp shooter how often she cleans her mags, which, as far as I know, is not an obscure term for some deviant behavior. Or is it? Anyway, here I was thinking Kirsten Weiss was OCD. Not so OCD now, eh Mr. Bond?

Here’s her answer: Every time I do this —>

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Mec-Gar: We Have No Magazines. Zip. Nada. Nothing.

  Mec-Gar is one of the world’s largest OEM and aftermarket magazine manufacturers. If your new pistol ships with really shiny, deep-blue metal magazines, there’s a good chance Meg-Gar made them for the manufacturer’s label. But OEM or aftermarket, it’s all the same right now: Mec-Gar has no magazines in stock. That’s kind of like … Read more

Gear Review: Lancer L5 AWM (Advanced Warfighter Magazines)

Lancer designs magazines for law enforcement, military, and competition use; Three masters demanding perfection from one product. They have tried to design their magazines to suit all three uses, and in my opinion their previous generation magazines succeeded for all three consumers. But they didn’t stop there. The next generation Lancer magazine is here: the Lancer L5 Advanced Warfighter Magazine. And it’s better than ever . . .

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