The ‘Ghost Guns’ That Time Forgot

Reader James Kaleda writes . . . Gun rights deniers are increasingly up in arms about 3-D printing and the making of “ghost guns.” Many states, such as New York and New Jersey, have jumped on the bandwagon, passing laws intended to prevent people from purchasing certain parts, downloading 3-D plans, and all kinds of … Read more

Kelly: The Coronavirus Emergency Has Created a Receptive Audience for 3D Printed Guns

There’s a big push on right now by gun controllers, Democrats and the media (BIRM) to raise the alarm about the looming threat posed by 3D-printed guns (and 80% firearms, too). The prohibitionists are liberally tossing around the term “ghost gun” wherever they can. It’s just the kind of terrifying term the Civilian Disarmament Industrial … Read more