Ballistic Calculations Found in Las Vegas Shooter’s Mandalay Bay Hotel Room

Among the many items found by investigator in Stephen Paddock’s Mandalay Bay hotel room after the murderer committed suicide: a piece of paper with numbers the shooter had written down. A note with numbers written on it was found in Paddock’s room, a source close to the investigation told CNN on Friday. The New York Times … Read more

Unarmed Las Vegas Security Guard’s Survival Highlights Inaccuracy of Bump Fire ARs

CBS (like every other media outlet in creation) is ignoring a key point about ARs equipped with a bump fire stock: they’re wildly inaccurate. If Las Vegas spree killer Stephen Paddock hadn’t been repeatedly firing into a crowd of thousands, if he’d had to actually aim at individual targets with a bump fire-equipped AR, he … Read more

Reader Response to RF’s USA Today Op-Ed on Gun Control

Reader Jerry Spiegler writes… Dear Mr. Farago, I read your essay in USA Today and found much with which I can agree. By way of disclosure I confess ignorance about guns, except they are rather expensive when I visit the local Cabella’s superstore.  However, I am vitally interested in the truth. Today I am 66 … Read more

Las Vegas Shooter Allegedly Targeted Aviation Fuel Tanks As Well as the Concert Crowd

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Route 91 Harvest music festival crowd wasn’t Stephen Paddock’s only target. He also fired at two jet fuel tanks about 650 yards from the Mandalay Bay hotel, striking them twice. The bullets left two holes in one of two circular white tanks. One of the bullets penetrated the … Read more

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: A Poor Metric, A Change of Heart and the New Normal in Vegas

Do tell . . . Mass Shootings Are A Bad Way To Understand Gun Violence So mass shootings become a symbol of gun violence in general. The deaths of dozens become a window into the death of one, and a separate one, and a different one over there. This, of course, has already happened with the … Read more

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: More Mandalay Bay Fallout

Please tell me Ryan won’t fall for this . . . Pelosi calls on Ryan to form select committee to curb gun violence House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Monday urged Speaker Paul Ryan to create a Select Committee on Gun Violence that would craft “common sense legislation” in the wake of a Las Vegas … Read more

TTAG Demonstrates Bump Fire, Full Auto Rifles for CBS National News

Given this week’s events and the fact that Las Vegas murderer Stephen Paddock apparently used at least one bump fire-equipped rifle during his Mandalay Bay killing spree, the mainstream media have now become aware of the existence of these niche accessories. Which is why TTAG’s RF and Jeremy S. teamed up with Jason Carter of … Read more

At Least One of Stephen Paddock’s Rifles Was Equipped With a Bump-Fire Stock

Photos of two of the AR’s used by Stephen Paddock to shoot at a concert crowd assembled below the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas Sunday night have emerged. From “The photos, obtained by Boston 25, show two semi-automatic weapons, with one having a ‘bump stock‘ added to make it fully automatic. Fully-automatic weapons allow the … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Mandalay Bay Special Edition

Adam Gopnik declares war on the Second Amendment . . . In the Wake of the Las Vegas Shooting, There Can Be No Truce with the Second Amendment The facts remain facts. Gun control acts on gun violence the way antibiotics act on infections—imperfectly but with massive efficacy. Yet, even with that knowledge, some of … Read more

Gun Owners of America Statement on the Las Vegas Shooting

Gun Owners of America president Erich Pratt has issues the following statement in response to the Mandalay Bay massacre: GOA Statement on Las Vegas Shooting Springfield, VA – Executive Director of Gun Owners of America (GOA) Erich Pratt stated the following after the tragic shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada: “Everyone at Gun Owners of America was … Read more

Keep Focused on What’s Important after the Mandalay Bay Massacre

Facts are still few and far between where the murder perpetrated in Las Vegas last night is concerned. Most of what we’re hearing is speculation about motives, along with spurious claims of responsibility by pissant Middle Easterners and political pablum by people for whom, pace Clausewitz, politics is the continuation of sports by other means. Pardon my … Read more