Federal District Judge Rules Removing Gun Rights for Using Marijuana is Unconstitutional

US District Judge Patrick Wyrick has just made millions of marijuana users — particularly those in states where cannabis use has been legalized — very happy…at least those in the Tenth Circuit. The federal government lists marijuana as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. If you use it you stand to lose your gun rights. That’s … Read more

How Justice Thomas’ Thoughts on Marijuana Laws Could Trickle Down to Gun Owners

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday indicated that federal marijuana laws “may no longer be necessary or proper to support the federal government’s piecemeal approach” to regulating the drug. His take could have a drastic impact on gun laws. Thomas’ views were expressed in an opinion on a case the high court declined to … Read more

States Moving to Reclassify Marijuana So Gun Owners Can Carry Legally

State Rep. Rod Hamilton, R-Mountain Lake, has multiple sclerosis and is registered in the state’s medical cannabis program. Hamilton told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS he cannot renew his permit to carry a gun or legally use a firearm to hunt in Minnesota because the state and the federal government still list medical cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug. … Read more

Caution, Legal Jeopardy Ahead: CBD and Guns

By Emily Taylor A new topic that’s sparking conversations nationwide is the legality of cannabidiol or CBD oil. The extract is legal in most states and has become hugely popular. But while many medical patients swear by its healing effects, gun owners nationwide could find CBD oil to be a huge source of pain when … Read more