Sullum: Conservatives’ Attitudes About Marijuana Prohibition Beginning to Align With Their Attitudes About Gun Prohibition

The marijuana that alarmed [Officer Jeronimo] Yanez also figured in public comments about the [Philando Castile] shooting by Dana Loesch, a conservative radio host who at the time was a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association (NRA). Castile’s death seemed to be a clear case of an innocent man who was killed for exercising his … Read more

Happy 4/20: Florida’s Nikki Fried Is Suing the Biden Admin, ATF Over 4473 Marijuana Prohibition

By Lee Williams Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried has always been a bit of an enigma in the Sunshine State. She’s the only Democrat elected to statewide office. She’s running for governor against a popular Republican incumbent, Gov. Ron DeSantis, if she can make it through a tight Democratic primary. Her office oversees Florida’s Concealed … Read more