Those Wacky New York Times Reporters, Helping Us Know if We Need a Gun

Leave it to those reporters at The New York Times to be ever-thinking about ways to keep their readers informed and involved. The Old Gray Lady published an online, interactive tool to demonstrate to readers how important self-defense is, especially in the home. The New York Times published an article headlined, “This Is How Close … Read more

Firearm Industry Remembers Cost of Freedom This Memorial Day

I once walked among giants. It was a brief time – that feels even more brief as the years pass since I wore the uniform of a U.S. Marine. It was just 25 years, and for some, that might seem as if two-and-a-half decades was a lifetime. Looking back, especially on Memorial Day when we … Read more

Reagan Had it Right, Biden Not So Much

President Joe Biden said it again. Given another term, he’ll do gun control. This time, he’s grotesquely dismissive of the high price of freedom that has been paid with the lives of those who fought and died to preserve American independence. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Bill of Rights, famously wrote, “The tree of liberty … Read more