You Make the Call: Is Maryland’s AG Ignorant or Dishonest on ‘Assault Weapons’?

By Rob Morse Maryland’s Attorney General Brian Frosh filed a recent amicus brief with the US Supreme Court justifying the state’s ban of modern sporting rifles because those weapons have sometimes been used to commit mass murder. The ban is being challenged in Bianch v. Frosh a case seeking cert by the high court. As … Read more

Maryland ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban: ‘Common Use’ Doesn’t Mean How Often a Gun is Fired in Self-Defense

From an amicus brief filed by the Firearms Policy Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, and individual plaintiffs in Bianchi v. Frosh, a challenge to Maryland’s “assault weapons” ban . . . Circuit court decisions upholding rifle bans like those in this this case rely on untenable reasoning. The Fourth Circuit’s rule, at issue here, would authorize … Read more

SAF, CCRKBA, FPC Sue Maryland Over Its ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Law

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and its sister organization, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), have filed a federal lawsuit challenging the state of Maryland’s ban on common semiautomatic rifles. The lawsuit was filed today in U.S. District Court for the … Read more

Maryland Gun Control: Keeping Up With New York and California

Reader Steve W. writes: Greetings from a long-time reader. I want to draw some attention to some of the gun control bills that have been proposed here in Maryland. Often when restrictive gun states are mentioned, my home-state is overlooked in favor of New York or California. Well we have several new bills being introduced … Read more

Maryland Governor Candidate Ben Jealous Suggests Ban on Shotguns

The Democrat candidate for governor in Maryland, former NAACP president Ben Jealous, has implied that the state’s extreme gun control laws — already some of the most oppressive in the nation — don’t go far enough. On MSNBC recently, he said the following: “We will, in the next [Maryland] legislative session, have to have a … Read more

FN Announces Two New Maryland-Compliant Rifles

Now that the Supreme Court has chosen to allow Maryland’s scary black rifle ban to stand, the Old Line State’s restrictions on what constitutes an “assault rifle” are going to be the new reality. At least for the foreseeable future. That means there will be a market for Maryland-compliant AR’s. We’ve seen a variety of … Read more

TTAG Morning Digest: Cabot’s Trump .45, Death Rifles and Gun Crime Soars in the UK

Trolling anti-gunners with a $50,000 gold pistol . . . The Trump 45 Aims To Make Presidential Guns Great Again In addition to its gold finish, the Trump 45 has its name engraved on one side and “45th President of the United States on the other and is made of steel “to aerospace tolerances and … Read more

BREAKING: Supreme Court Declines to Hear Maryland “Assault Weapon” Ban Case

Ever since the Supreme Court ruled in DC v. Heller that the Second Amendment was an incorporated and fundamental right we’ve been waiting for additional cases to see how far that statement stretches. As stated in the opinion the Second Amendment is not an unrestricted right — only “commonly used” firearms were protected. But what … Read more