AP Gun Article Relies on Inaccuracies, Reveals Bias in Reporting

Founded in 1846, the Associated Press describes itself as “the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business.” More than half of the world’s population is exposed to AP stories every day, the wire service claims. Associated Press … Read more

Despite Strict Gun Laws, California Leads Nation in Mass Shootings

New figures from the FBI reveal that California, despite having some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, led the country in active shooter incidents in 2023. AWR Hawking’s over at Breitbart News called out the obvious fact after the FBI documented 48 active shooter incidents across 26 states last year, with California … Read more

Media Fact Check: How Fake News Happens

C.A. Bridges, a “digital producer” for Gannett’s USA TODAY Florida network, wrote basically the same story on May 12 and May 28, which claimed that Florida has experienced more mass shootings than any other state. Unfortunately for Bridges and his readers, both stories were wrong, incredibly biased and typical of the fake news that permeates … Read more

Washington Post In Full Politicized Vulture Mode With Publication Gory Mass Shooting Pictures

After recent mass shootings, I’ve seen a particularly unhinged request in comments sections: publish images of the dead. It seemed for months like nobody was going to answer that ugly call, but after warnings from some of the victims’ parents, the Washington Post ran a non-paywalled post yesterday doing just that. I will not be … Read more

Kos: The Solution to ‘Gun Violence’, Like Any Problem, is More Money

Democrats need for cash drives their actions (in) office. Guns are a threat to every man, woman, and child in our country. Mass shootings are not even news anymore. And even though 70-80% of the country wants stricter gun laws, we’ll never see them. Why? Gun violence is too valuable to Democrats. Democrats fundraise off … Read more

Anatomy of an Anti-Gun Lie: Mass Shootings in America

  [This article originally appeared at Handwaving Freakoutery and is reprinted here with permission. To subscribe to HWFO, click here.]  By BJ Campbell, Handwaving Freakoutery Today we are going to pick apart this tweet: …and its companion article to explain in clear terms the many layers of lies that the media and the antigun activists … Read more

Go Figure: Research Reveals There Isn’t a Law That Would Prevent Mass Shootings

New research suggests mass shootings might be the grim outlier when it comes to the effectiveness of gun laws. “I don’t know if there is a law that can be enacted related to mass shootings that would prevent them. Though I’d also say that doesn’t mean such laws aren’t useful, or that having scientific evidence … Read more

CNN Tries to Prop Up Their Debunked Source for Misleading Mass Shooting Data

By Lee Williams In a story published Sunday, CNN was forced to prop up the long debunked Gun Violence Archive, the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit that provides the cable network and other anti-gun groups with sensational, misleading and inaccurate mass-shooting data. The CNN story states that the Supreme Court Justices who dissented in New York State … Read more

VDH: Biden’s Pigeonholing Mass Shootings For Political Gain is Despicable Racialism of the First Order

Biden’s despicable effort at blaming his political adversaries for the [Buffalo] deaths failed for lots of reasons. He mangled his recitations of prior white-on-black shootings by including the recent Dallas shootings of three Asians by an African-American in his catalog of white-supremacist murders.   Biden by intent ignored the near simultaneous mass shooting of Taiwanese parishioners … Read more