Murphy: Good Guys With Guns Stopping Mass Shootings Is Politically Inconvenient

Sometimes, even the experience of being shot is not enough to change a person’s mind about guns. I asked Murphy whether he’s spoken with people like his old House colleague Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the Republican minority whip who was wounded in the 2017 congressional-baseball shooting. “What’s discouraging about the baseball shooting is that it … Read more

Prof’s Prescription for Preventing Mass Shootings: All the Usual Gun ‘Reforms’ Plus Better Journalism

Covid-19 is not gone, of course (and neither, technically, is Trump), but both are no longer the only storylines Americans care about. And with the return of mass shootings returns the question that plagued America before the pandemic. How do we prevent these utterly horrific scenes from repeating? On the policy front, we must once again … Read more

While Mass Shootings Are Rare, They Prompt More Action by State and Federal Legislators

Gun control fails quickly in Congress after each mass shooting, but states often act – including to loosen gun laws By Christopher Poliquin, University of California, Los Angeles Recent mass shootings at three spas in Atlanta, Georgia and a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado have renewed calls for new gun legislation. The U.S. has been here … Read more

Newsweek: Mass Shootings Up 35 Percent in 2020

Just this morning, Newsweek published an article covering the Gun Violence Archives’ latest claim that mass shootings are up 35 percent in 2020 compared to mass shootings in 2019: Mass shootings in the U.S. have increased by 35 percent since 2019 despite widespread closures of schools, businesses and many public places due to the coronavirus … Read more

Fun With Data: More ‘Research’ Blames Mass Shootings On Those Who Didn’t Do It

It’s time to play “spot the lousy gun research” again! There’s yet a new “study” out that purports to link high rates of firearm ownership to higher rates of mass shootings. It’s economically entitled Comparing the Impact of Household Gun Ownership and Concealed Carry Legislation on the Frequency of Mass Shootings and Firearms Homicide, by … Read more

Perception vs. Reality: Being a Mass Shooting Victim as Common as Getting Struck by Lightning

By Jaclyn Schildkraut Many Americans worry about when – not if – another mass shooting will occur, and a Gallup poll from September found that nearly half of Americans fear being a victim of one of these attacks. After the film “Joker” was released, you could see these fears play out. Many announced they wouldn’t see it … Read more

VIDEO Panicked Teen: I Don’t Want to Die! Kamala Harris: We’re Going to Win

Kamala Harris, who has endorsed the Beto O’Rourke model of gun confiscation, posted a tweet yesterday showing a brief conversation she had with a frightened teenager on the campaign trail. The girl approached Harris and thanked her for her stance on gun control. Thank you so much for everything you do for high schools. I … Read more

On Mass Shooters and Victim Body Counts

By Dr. Miguel Faria The mainstream media (MSM) have been sensationalizing mass shootings for the last three decades, reaching a crescendo in the last several months. They sensationalized gun violence as a way to put pressure on and force Congress to pass unconstitutional gun control laws that disarm the law-abiding citizen while doing nothing to … Read more

Oliver: The Anti-Gun Left’s ‘Solutions’ to Mass Shootings Won’t Work, And They Know It

The quote of the day is presented by The liberals demand one or more of several “solutions” to the mass shooting problem. One is to outlaw “assault weapons.” “Assault weapons” is a category invented by liberals. It has no particular meaning. One aspect of “assault weapons” is that they hold multiple bullets (as do, of … Read more