French: A Generation of Broken People is Causing Mass Shootings

“For example, while I support concealed carry by law-abiding citizens and know that armed citizens have foiled multiple attempted shootings, I view the presence of more concealed carriers as at best a potential mitigating factor. Even the fortunate presence of armed citizens doesn’t by any means guarantee a positive outcome. People can freeze. People can … Read more

Roger Simon: It’s Just History and Logic…I’d Be a Fool Not To Buy A Gun

“For some time I have been a supporter of the Second Amendment — intellectually. I agreed with the Founders’ rationale for the right to bear arms. I even joined the NRA. “But I never bought a gun. “Although I know the basics of how to shoot, I didn’t want a pistol around the house. I didn’t think … Read more

Since We Can’t Cure Mental Illness, The Answer Is Gun Control

“If guns make people powerful, it is certainly true, as King Claudius says, that “madness in great ones must not unwatched go.” But mass shootings are not a mental health issue. Mental illness has been around forever. It’s not going anywhere. Widespread ownership of guns is a relatively new phenomenon. If our plan is to … Read more

Murphy’s Litmus Test, LA Gangs’ Ghost Guns and a Second Amendment Extremist – TTAG Daily Digest

CT-Sen: Chris Murphy (D) Makes Gun Control Laws A Litmus Test On Trump’s SCOTUS Nomination Bless his heart. He thinks his vote actually matters. As if he’d vote for any nominee Trump names . . . For the most part, the Supreme Court has declined to hear (Second Amendment) cases, including one challenging the assault weapons … Read more

Richard Blumenthal’s Sandy Hook Anniversary Congressional Rebuke: IMI Systems Quote of the Day

“Shame on Congress for allowing yet another year to pass without action. Shame on Congress for allowing this tragic anniversary to be followed by so many more—in Sutherland Springs, in Las Vegas, in Orlando, in Charleston, and in our communities each and every day. Each day that passes marked by inaction, Congress turns its back … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Mass Shootings in “Gun-Free” Nations, Tactical Tacos and DC Carry Permits

Narrative alert! . . . Mass shootings in gun-free nations The global history of mass shootings demonstrates that the vast majority of these crimes are perpetrated in places where citizen firearms ownership is close to nil. While people can argue about cause and effect, the facts are indisputable. This might seem surprising to people who … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Decoupling Gun Stocks, Congress Doing What it Does Best and Contagious Gun Violence

Yes, well compare who’s running Congress and the White House now to who was in control after Newtown . . . Gun stocks decouple from gun massacres Gun stocks often rise on the heels of well-publicized gun violence, but it isn’t happening after yesterday’s horrific events in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Shares of such companies as … Read more

IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Assassinations and Mass Shootings, “Only in America” – Enter to Win 1000 Rounds of IMI 9mm Ammo

“We are a country blanketed by cities, towns and schools best known for killing sprees. Orlando, Fla.; Charleston, S.C.; Virginia Tech; Columbine, Colo. — the list grows, as John Wayne said, ‘as sure as the turning of the earth.’ Is this as good as it gets here? Assassinations by gunfire separate us from the rest of … Read more