Obscure Object of Desire: The Mauser HSc Super .380 Pistol

Pistol development in the early 1900s was rapid. Pistols were being spit out at a rapid rate, and it seemed that almost every other year, some new advancement would be made in the technology. In 1900, we got the first semi-auto pistol with a slide, and by 1911, we had the M1911. That’s how fast … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Interarms Mark X Rifle

I grew up with pump shotguns and bolt action rifles, with a smattering of lever guns mixed in. The only semi-auto we ever had was a Marlin Model 60. As I grew, I rebelled. I got into semi-auto firearms and kind of ignored bolt guns…until recently. I’ve discovered I have got a soft spot for … Read more

Living History: Duplicating Vintage Swedish 6.5x55mm Military Ammo

Everyone gets into guns for a different reason. When I was growing up, I had many separate interests that all got focused on guns. I loved woodworking, metalworking, history, and, above all, minute details about specific things. I became fascinated by the historical markings on old guns and eventually got into collecting and shooting surplus … Read more

Introducing The Mauser M18 — “The People’s Rifle”

Das Original Volksgewehr? Mauser to the people! Hey, a real deal Mauser for $699 just might turn heads. Press release on Mauser’s new M18 follows . . . Introducing the Mauser M18 The dream of owning a MAUSER is now more accessible than ever, thanks to the launch of the iconic German gunmaker’s newest rifle: The MAUSER … Read more