Judge Rules McCloskey Case Won’t Be Re-Heard by a Grand Jury

By Jim Salter and Heather Hollingsworth, AP A judge on Friday denied a defense request to return to a grand jury the case against a St. Louis couple accused of waving guns at racial injustice protesters last year. A St. Louis grand jury indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey in October on felony charges of unlawful use of a … Read more

McCloskeys at RNC: What Happened to Us Could Happen To You, Too

First, the case was that Trump has done many things to help individual people in extremis — working to release hostages, deregulating certain types of medical treatments, fighting entrenched interests, and leading a strong economy until COVID came along to kill it. Twitterati laughed at the supposed awkwardness with which Trump interacted with frontline COVID … Read more

Missouri Governor Mike Parson Says He’ll Pardon the McCloskeys if They’re Prosecuted by Kim Gardner

 [Parson’s comments regarded the McCloskeys start at 5:23.] St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has a spotty record on enforcing the law. She let all of the rioters and looters go who were arrested by the St. Louis Police Department during recent civil unrest. But when two city home owners used firearms to protect … Read more