McCloskeys Plead Not Guilty to Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Evidence Tampering Charges

By Jim Salter, AP A St. Louis couple celebrated in some circles and vilified in others for waving guns at protesters marching on their private street pleaded not guilty to two felony charges at a brief hearing Wednesday. Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who are both attorneys in their early 60s, were indicted by a St. Louis … Read more

Following Indictment, Missouri Governor Parson Again Vows to Pardon the McCloskeys if Convicted

After St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner had sent police to confiscate the guns that Michael and Patricia McCloskey used in their much-photographed defense of their St. Louis home, Missouri Governor Mike Parson was interviewed by a local radio host about the situation. He issued a relatively vague statement declaring that he’d consider pardoning the … Read more

BREAKING: McCloskeys Indicted on Charges of Displaying Weapons, Tampering With Evidence

A St. Louis grand jury has just added a new charge against the St. Louis couple who defended their property when a crowd of protesters trespassed in their Central West End neighborhood in June. Mark and Patricia McCloskey had already been charged by prosecutor Kim Gardner with felony use of a weapon. Today it was … Read more