In a recent editorial, I ranted at KETV Omaha’s biased report on a Nebraska armed robbery case. An armed citizen, Harry J. McCullough III, shot and killed an armed robber and subdued another with a concealed handgun. Turns out there are a few details we didn’t get in the original story. For example, the fact that the perp’s shotgun was unloaded. Not that this would make one iota of difference in a court of law. Armed robbery is armed robbery – loaded weapon or no. More importantly, the man who shot him, Harry J. McCullough III, did not have a concealed carry permit for the .40 caliber handgun used to stop the robbery. Nor could he have had one. Under Nebraska law, McCullough was inelegible for a concealed carry permit; he had a previous misdemeanor conviction for . . . wait for it . . . carrying a concealed weapon.
The McCullough Saga Continues: The Hero Speaks.
I gotta tell you, I love this stuff. Covering this story is like peeling the layers off an onion. Only with this story, every layer we peel back reveals more detail, and gets us closer to the truth. Case in point, today’s story from the North Plate Telegraph, a paper that apparently employs reporters who like to report, rather than editorialize. (Huzzah! So THAT’S where all the reporters ended up when they were replaced at bigger papers by cheerleaders for the Left.)
Today, we hear directly from the hero of the story, Harry McCullough III. We also get a glimpse into the forensics of the crime scene. I don’t want to steal the North Platte Telegraph’s thunder. But, in the interest of those of you hanging on my every word (both of you), here’s the 20,000-foot view: