Question of the Day: How Do We Get Our Message Out There More Effectively?

  [CAUTION: SPOILER ALERTS IN VIDEO] I’ve never seen ‘The Walking Dead’ (I seem to run into enough mindless, shambling, brain-suckers as it is) but the point of this video is clear enough. One wanna-be strongman in AMC’s zombietastic series is apparently bent on post-apocalyptic world domination. Hence the lesson drawn by the bearded alley-dweller above. … Read more

Hillary Not Only Hates The Second Amendment, She Lied. The Heller Case Wasn’t About Protecting Toddlers

  By Regis Giles of When Hillary Clinton announced last night that she was pro-second amendment, I couldn’t help but laugh and scream ‘BULLSHIT!’ She really thinks the American public is that stupid? Well Hillary, we’ve got news for you…WE AREN’T! The Hilldebeest has stated in the past that Second Amendment supporters are a terrorist minority: … Read more

Pixar Animators’ ‘Borrowed Time’…Anti-Gun?

“Pixar animators Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj’s brilliant short film has been racking up accolades on the festival circuit,” reports. “Borrowed Time captures a lonely sheriff as he stares down the barrel of a painful memory from his past.” Stares down the barrel. Geddit? SPOILER ALERT . . . Borrowed time (click image above to … Read more

Beginner’s Guide To Media Interviews

  The mainstream media industry isn’t your friend. Even your local newspaper or television station, unless it’s a small market, probably isn’t all that supportive of gun rights. (One litmus test:  Do they post their offices with “NO GUNS” signage?) How do you handle an interview if you’ve been singled out or contacted to give … Read more

Teach Your Children Well.

I’m fairly certain that when that noted folk-rock supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith wrote that song, teaching your children about guns was hardly what they had in mind. But bear with me for a moment and let me take you down the road on a train of thought that I think might bear examination . . .

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ATF Death Watch 15 – And Another One Rides the Bus

ATF acting head Kenneth Melson: "Nothing to see here...move along now." (AP Photo)

The Wall St. Journal is reporting this AM that, according to the proverbial “unnamed sources,” BAFTE (and sometimes Really Big Fires) acting director Kenneth Melson will be joining the history team sometime within the next week or so. Melson, who’s been taking his title of “acting” head a wee bit too seriously since April of ’09, will be thrown under the bus by the ObamaNation, in the hopes that his ritual sacrifice will calm the bloodlust in Congress and Stop All Those Difficult Questions They Keep Asking. As if.

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Brace Yourselves.

April 10: Muskogee Police Capt. Scott Shields escorts medics as they load an injured man into an ambulance in Muskogee, Okla. [AP photo]

It’s Sunday, and I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. This morning, I awoke to hear about a story that made the national headlines – a shooting in a shopping mall in Oklahoma.

How long will we have to wait before the anti-gun people come out of the woodwork, loudly proclaiming that this is all the fault of gun nuts, and if only we passed laws prohibiting the private ownership of guns, we’d all be safer, happier, and better off?

But if you scratch beneath the headline, you’ll find that there’s a bit more to this story than the sensational lead alone. To wit:

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