Mexican Government Sues GLOCK, Beretta, Barrett, S&W and Colt Over Arms Crossing the Border

The first rule of government: If you can’t fix a problem, appoint a commission. The second rule of government: If a commission won’t deflect attention from your shortcomings, sue someone. The second approach is the one the Mexican government has chosen to address the ongoing problem of the rampant carnage that has afflicted the country … Read more

Mexico: Proving Once Again That More Gun Control Doesn’t Mean Less Crime

By Larry Keane Recently The Washington Post published an article depicting the rampant organized crime crisis in Mexico. There is no question that the crime and violence fueled by drug cartels in our southern neighbor are major problems for Mexico, the United States and for the global community. However, the authors make a mistake typical of the … Read more

Mexican Drug Cartels Run Roughshod Over Disarmed Civilians and Ineffective Local Governments

While millions of Americans enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend holiday, the Mexican drug cartels invaded and shot up a small town in a “safe” Mexican state. In the end, twenty-two people died in the violence, including two innocent civilians and four police officers. Plenty more suffered bullet wounds. The mystery here is…how can this kind of … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: A Paltry Turnout, A Garden of Flags and A Hero is Released

Noblesville students protest next to NRA tent at gun store Not exactly an overwhelming turnout . . . A group of young Noblesville students are protesting next to a NRA tent following the school shooting at Noblesville Middle School. The first boy at the Hoosier Armory, located on 10th St. in downtown Noblesville, is Ray Kenley, … Read more