Criminal Enterprise: Saturday’s Miami GUNS 4 UKRAINE ‘Buyback’ Will Break State and Federal Firearm Laws

By Lee Williams The Miami Police Department plans to hold a gun buyback this Saturday at Miami City Hall, which it is calling “GUNS 4 UKRAINE.” Police are offering gift cards in exchange for the weapons: $50 for a handgun, $100 for a shotgun or rifle and $150 for what the department calls a “high … Read more

Miami Man Arrested Outside ‘Buy-Back’ For Offering to Buy Guns

The government doesn’t like competition. It may be perfectly legal (in most jurisdictions) to stand outside a city-sanctioned gun “buy-back” and offer people more money than they’d get inside, but the city employees (read: police officers) who are being paid to man these events sometimes take exception to that kind of behavior. A south Florida … Read more