TURN IN A GUN, STAY FOR A BACK RUB: Father Michael Pfleger Sponsors Gun ‘Buyback’ Just For Those 25 and Under

Father Michael Pfleger, fresh off a suspension related to allegations of sexually abusing multiple teenagers, has announced a new gun buyback at his St. Sabina’s Church in Chicago. The anti-gun cleric is paying good money too: $200 for handguns or “assault rifles” and $20 for magazines. Here’s the catch, it’s open to all…if you’re 25 … Read more

17 Shot, 3 Dead Following Father Pfleger’s Shutdown of Chicago’s Dan Ryan Expressway

This weekend, the Illinois State Police closed Chicago’s busiest Interstate for a gun control demonstration. Obviously, Saturday morning’s publicity stunt did nothing but irritate commuters and travelers over a holiday weekend. Meanwhile, the rabidly anti-gun Catholic priest Fr. Michael Pfleger claimed “The people won today.” In reality, nothing changed in Murder City USA as over … Read more

Fr. Pfleger’s Reckless Anti-Gun Protest To Shut Down Chicago Expressway Saturday

Father Michael Pfleger loves the spotlight. The Windy City anti-gun priest has earned his reputation for hot air and left-wing social justice work. Along those lines, he plans a Saturday morning protest to disrupt Chicago-area holiday weekend commuters by shutting down the Dan Ryan Expressway (I-90/I-94). Alienating apolitical motorists will never win them over to … Read more

Chicago Anti-Gun Priest Michael Pfleger’s Bodyguard Arrested for Illegal Carry

Chicago police have arrested a long-time bodyguard for a nationally-known anti-gun activist. Cops nabbed Henry Eugene Hale after observing him handling a pistol outside Catholic Priest Father Michael Pfleger’s St. Sabina’s Church on the South Side. Not only did Hale not have a carry license, he didn’t even had a valid Illinois Firearms Owner’s ID … Read more