Michigan Cops Not So Sure About Red Flag Confiscations Now That They May Have to Enforce Them

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a red flag confiscation bill into law back in May. As a Whitmer press release issued at the time proclaimed, “At the bill signing, Governor Whitmer was joined by bill sponsors, legislators, public safety advocates, and law enforcement officials.” The bill went into effect last week and now that court-ordered … Read more

AP Report, Michigan Prosecutor Imply Flint Guard’s Murder Was Due to Armed Protestors at the Capitol

We ran a post yesterday about the murder of a security guard at a Flint, Michigan Family Dollar store that investigators suspected followed a dispute about a customer who wasn’t wearing a mask, as mandated by order of the Governor. Yesterday, a woman, her husband and son were charged with the murder. The woman had … Read more

Media, Gun Control Groups Paint Lawful Michigan Protesters as Anti-Government Racists

[ED: This report is indicative of the way the protests in Michigan have been portrayed by the mainstream press. Note the attempt to tar the protesters — none of whom broke any laws — with racism and associate them with un-named, mysterious, insurrectionist “far-right groups.”] By Sara Burnett, Associated Press Gun-carrying protesters have been a … Read more

Americans Growing Impatient with Heavy-Handed Authoritarianism

America: The land of the free and home of the brave. But you would never guess that by how our nation has responded to a virus threat – even after the Armageddon the so-called experts predicted didn’t come to pass. Thankfully, President Trump acted Thursday to outline a return to normalcy in our society. But … Read more

Michigan’s Governor Declares Gun Shops ‘Non-Essential,’ Wants To Shut Them Down

Like someone else who ruled with a phone and a pen, Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer has decreed that gun shops have no “essential” purpose during a national emergency. As such, she wants to close the retailers and cease firearm sales across Michigan in the face of the Chinese coronavirus crisis. Whitmer, the woman who … Read more