New Jersey Seems Determined to Duplicate California’s Failed Microstamping Mandate

New Jersey is trying its hardest to become the California of the East Coast – without the good weather, Hollywood and vineyards. When it comes to gun control, though, New Jersey’s got just about everything California has to offer – even down to the microstamping requirements. That is, of course, until a federal judge ordered that California … Read more

Microstamping: Adventures in the Legislative Gun Control Multiverse

From the NRA-ILA . . . Gun control legislators often appear to inhabit an alternative universe, one with its own laws of time, science, logic, and common sense. Take, for example, the dogged and delusional adherence to the “science” of firearm microstamping. The idea behind microstamping is that it would combat crime by providing identifying … Read more

Order Blocking California’s ‘Unsafe Handgun Act’ is a Correct Application of the Bruen Decision

From the NSSF . . . NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, praises the U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Southern Division’s order granting a preliminary injunction for the plaintiffs blocking enforcement of California’s Unsafe Handgun Act. The case, Boland v. Bonta, was filed shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision. The court issued the preliminary injunction today. … Read more

Bartozzi: ‘Expansive’ Connecticut Gun Control Bills Would Do Nothing to Deter Criminals

By Matt Manda NSSF’s President and CEO Joe Bartozzi had a few words for Connecticut lawmakers considering Gov. Ned Lamont’s gun control proposals. Bartozzi testified and used every second of his allotted time to explain how wrong the governor’s proposals are and how they would only severely penalize law-abiding residents in the Constitution State. Bartozzi was … Read more

Californians Are Running Out of Handguns the State Will Allow Them to Purchase (Legally)

California is pulling off a vanishing act right before everyone’s eyes. The list of semi-automatic handguns available for sale there is rapidly dwindling, thanks to the state’s “Not Unsafe Handgun Roster.” It won’t be too long before all semi-automatic handguns will be banned from sale in California – a step closer to gun control’s ultimate … Read more