Bodycam Video Shows Dolal Idd Fired First on Minneapolis Police, Yet Protests Persist

In the land of George Floyd, new protests kicked off last week after Minneapolis police shot a man who tried to kill them. Dolal Idd, aged old enough to know better, tried to escape a police traffic stop by ramming cars. Then, when boxed in, police bodycam videos showed the driver’s window exploding outward as … Read more

Minneapolis City Council Wonders Where the Cops Have Gone After Defunding Their Police Department

After George Floyd was killed and large sections of Minneapolis burned, the City of Lakes led the way in defunding its police department. But the prospect of less law enforcement seemed scary to some. When a CNN talking head asked City Council President Lisa Bender what residents should do if someone breaks into their home … Read more

Minneapolis Police Tell Citizens to Give Up Their Property, Give In to Criminals

This is a natural result of hamstringing and defunding police departments. We’ve seen a similar situation in Seattle when the chief of police notified businesses that, given new prohibitions on the use of less lethal tools, Seattle cops are virtually helpless in stopping property crimes. Business owners are therefore on their own. Cities like Minneapolis, … Read more

Minneapolis Mayor Frey Asks for Help From Feds as Shootings Escalate to Chicago-Like Levels

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem. … Read more

Anoka County Sheriff: Minneapolis Must ‘Live With the Consequences’ If It Disbands Police Department

Anoka County (Minnesota) Sheriff James Stuart revealed his thoughts on the possibility of the Minneapolis City Council disbanding the city’s police department. Earlier stories have suggested that sheriff’s deputies would pick up some of the law enforcement duties after Minneapolis shuts down its own PD. Sheriff Stuart says he’s not interested in sending his deputies … Read more

Minneapolis City Council President: Calling the Police for a Burglary is Exercising Privilege

Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender appeared on CNN this morning to discuss the council’s plan to dismantle the city’s police department in the wake of the George Floyd killing. What, you may ask, will replace the MPD? According to Bender, they will construct a “transformative new model of public safety.” Exactly what that means isn’t … Read more

HEARTS AND MINDS: Minneapolis Police Shoot Pepperballs At Residents Watching From Their Doorways

Minneapolis Police have a unique way of winning the hearts and minds of their city’s residents following the death of George Floyd. They swept through neighborhoods late Saturday not far from the rioting, pointing guns at residents in their doorways and shooting them with pepperballs if they didn’t retreat indoors fast enough. This was the … Read more

Police Officers Speak Out Against the Death of George Floyd

By Stefanie Dazio, AP Murder. Brutality. Reprehensible. Indefensible. Police nationwide, in unequivocal and unprecedented language, have condemned the actions of Minneapolis police in the custody death of a handcuffed black man who cried for help as an officer knelt on his neck, pinning him to the pavement for at least eight minutes. But some civil rights advocates … Read more

BREAKING: National Guard Called Out as Minneapolis 3rd Precinct Burns, Protests Spread to Other Cities

Protests, rioting and looting intensified last night in Minneapolis over the killing of George Floyd earlier this week. Police officers abandoned the third district station as it was taken over by rioters and burned. From the Associated Press: Cheering protesters torched a Minneapolis police station Thursday that the department was forced to abandon as three … Read more