Personal Defense: Establish Your Line in the Sand Now, Before You’re Forced To Do It

With all the incidents of anarchy and unrest of late, there’s a chance that someday you or your loved ones could find yourselves on the dangerous end of a mob’s anger. With that in mind and while you can think calmly and without haste, consider what the threshold would be for you to use deadly … Read more

When Regular, Law-Abiding Citizens Tire of State-Approved Mob Rule, It Isn’t Pretty

BOOM! Man punches member of Antifa’s ‘Bike Brigade’ for blocking off streets so rioters can march in Seattle during rush hour.#seattleprotests #seattleriots — Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@KatieDaviscourt) July 24, 2020 The city, state and federal officials who have ceded parts of cities, pulled back the police, and given the mob tacit approval to commit virtually … Read more