Three of the Best .44 Magnum Revolvers Available Today

I’ve shot a lot of .44 Magnum handguns over the years. Over the course of a few weeks last fall, I received thousands of rounds from companies like Black Hills, SIG SAUER, and Buffalo Bore. I ended up pulling the trigger on what amounted to over one hundred pounds of downrange lead and it was … Read more

New From Smith & Wesson: Model 69 L-Frame .44 Magnum

Image courtesy S&WI’ve long wanted a Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum, but the considerable size and heft of their marvelous Model 29 and 629 revolvers have been among the factors that have kept me from ever owning one. S&W’s engineers have put the mighty .44 Magnum cartridge on a diet, and shoehorned it into their medium-large L frame. They had to shed one round to make it work, but the 5-round Model 69 should be an ideal wilderness sidearm for hunters and fishermen . . .

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