Biden’s Budget is Another Sop to Gun Control Groups That Will Never be Satisfied

President Joe Biden is caught on the horns of a dilemma. He’s attempting to placate a stubborn and loud national gun control movement that buoyed his presidential campaign and that continues to yell “Do more!” while seeing their influence and relevance evaporate. Countering that is the rest of America. By the millions they’ve rejected the … Read more

Feds Charge ‘Violence in Boston’ Gun Control Group’s Founders With Fraud

Do gun control groups misdirect donor monies for the personal enrichment of their leaders?  Impossible you say?  The feds say otherwise in at least one group’s case.  The US Attorney’s for Massachusetts has brought federal fraud charges against the founders of the Violence in Boston gun control group which could put the couple in prison … Read more

#22: Alabama Joins The Constitutional Carry Club; Moms Mostly Mum

The great state of Alabama joined the Constitutional Carry Club after Governor Kay Ivey signed the bill into law on Thursday.  The measure becomes effective January 1, 2023.  Governor Ivey seemed quite proud of her legislature and rightly so.   Here in Alabama, we dare defend our rights. And we will ALWAYS defend the right … Read more

SHANNON WATTS: The Gun Culture Hates Us Not Because We Want to Disarm Americans, But Because We’re Women

  Cunt. Whore. Bitch. These are just some of the words my fellow Moms Demand Action volunteers and I have been called over the past nine years. We’ve become experts on the nexus between misogyny and gun culture because we’ve lived it—in person and online—since the day we decided to stand up to the gun … Read more

Moms Demand Action and Everytown are Horrified That Georgia is Considering Constitutional Carry

Permitless carry legislation would allow a person to carry loaded handguns in public without a background check, dismantling Georgia’s culture of responsible gun ownership. Permitless carry laws significantly hinder law enforcement’s ability to prevent people with dangerous histories — including extremists and white supremacists with criminal histories — to carry firearms, putting public safety in jeopardy. … Read more

Everytown-Endorsed Washington State Dems Introduce Legislation To Reduce Penalties for Drive-By Murders

Clearly, we’re still in 2021 because you simply can’t make this stuff up. A pair of Washington State legislators, both endorsed by Everytown and Moms Demand Action, have introduced a bill to reduce the criminal penalties for murders committed in drive-by shootings. The legislators claim the bill will promote “racial equity in the criminal justice … Read more

Shameless Gun Control Groups Using American Rescue Plan Tax Dollars to Push Their Disarmament Agenda

  By Larry Keane Remember that American Rescue Plan signed by President Joe Biden that sent $1,400 checks to support those economically affected by the COVD-19 crisis? That was the plan pushed by The White House to provide direct relief to Americans, help contain the spread of COVID-19, and rescue the economy. Turns out, it’s … Read more

JUST LOVELY: Anti-Gun Rochester, NY Mayor Caught With Illegal Guns, Resigns in Plea Deal One Month Before Leaving Office Anyway

Rochester, New York Mayor Lovely Warren, a proud member of Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, took a plea deal in recent days. Her crimes? She possessed illegal guns and violated campaign finance laws. As part of the deal, she will resign and avoid prison. Unlike the little people who go to jail … Read more

Ex Everytown Employee: Working There Was ‘Like Being In an Abusive Relationship’

A former Everytown for Gun Safety employee took to Glassdoor — a website where current and former employees can anonymously rate and review employers — to warn people to stay away from the gun control organization. According to the review, left on July 30, 2021, working for Everytown was “similar to being in an abusive … Read more