Surprise! Everytown and the Moms Endorse Joe Biden for President

It shouldn’t be breaking news that gun control orgs are lining up behind Joe O’Biden. Yesterday, Brady president Kris Brown was on MSNBC revealing the news that after much consideration and soul searching, her civilian disarmament advocacy operation has decided to endorse the Democrats’ presumptive nominee. Now, Michael Bloomberg’s wholly-owned gun control subsidiary, Everytown for … Read more

Alabama Senate Committee Passes Constitutional Carry Bill, Disappointing Red Shirted Moms

Open carry is legal in Alabama. Just about any adult who isn’t a prohibited person can carry a handgun for all to see without a permit. But if you want to put a shirt tail or a jacket over your pistol, that requires special permission from the state. Yesterday the Alabama Senate Judiciary Committee approved … Read more

Karens for Gun Control Demand to Speak to the Manager!

By Theresa Inacker Have you ever noticed that the red-shirted redcoats of Moms Demand Action are a gaggle of “Karens” demanding to speak with the manager? Although the ubiquitous Karen meme is a joke, there is nothing funny about a group that’s hellbent on taking away the rights of other people. Karens are not problem … Read more

Gun Control is the Modern Temperance Movement

By Theresa Inacker 100 years after Prohibition, it’s still a doomed proposition There is an uncanny parallel between anti-gun rights groups like Moms Demand Action, which continually seeks more ineffective gun control laws, and the infamous women of the temperance movement, which brought about the failed experiment of Prohibition. In 1920, Prohibition outlawed the sale, manufacturing … Read more

Proof That a Dedicated Core of Gun Rights Supporters Can Make a Significant Difference

Check the map (here) of cities, counties and states that have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries. A new green area seems to go up almost every day. This is really starting to freak them out. Especially after Viginia’s “assault weapons” ban and magazine confiscation bill went down in flames. You can almost read the alarm … Read more

Creating a Multi-State Second Amendment Sanctuary Bloc [VIDEO]

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Mississippi Seeks to Create Second Amendment Sanctuary Bloc States and counties that have declared themselves to be Second Amendment sanctuaries … Read more

Let’s Debunk Shannon Watts’ Latest Lie About Gun Laws in the United States

We’ve seen this movie before. When called out on this (in the unlikely event that she is), Ms. Watts will no doubt defend herself by saying she was just regurgitating the willful misinformation being spouted in the linked article by New York Senator Chuck Schumer trying to whip up fear of “ghost guns.” But that’s … Read more

Illinois Congressman Attacks NRA Tax Status, But Has His Own Non-Profit Problems

On February 6, Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider escalated attacks on the National Rifle Association’s tax exempt status, pushing for an IRS investigation on top of the probes currently under way by the Attorneys General of New York state and the District of Columbia. According to the Bloomberg-financed journalists at The Trace . . . Democratic … Read more

Behold: CTRL+Pew Reveals the Josh Shapiro Tec-9 Ghost Gun [VIDEO]

  This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  New Ghost Gat Celebrates Free Speech   CTRL+Pew, our friend and a humble master of memes, this week … Read more