Building the Ultimage RV Gun With a Mossberg 590 Shockwave

By Anner Several years ago, backpacking into the wilderness was my favorite method to kill a weekend. My wife and I carried everything we needed on our backs, summited mountains, and breathed in pure, unadulterated freedom. Two young children later, I now need a pack mule for the pile of diapers, wipes, bottles, and stuff…oh, … Read more

Gun Review: Mossberg 590 Shockwave 12 Gauge

“Not everything has to be about urban combat.” That was my justification for considering a Mossberg 590 Shockwave. I knew my more tactically “woke” friends would harangue me if I reviewed one. Pistol-grip-only (often called “cruiser grip”) shotguns aren’t looked upon favorably by most highly experienced self-defenders. I noted that the Shockwave doesn’t have a cruiser grip. Instead, it … Read more

Mossberg Adds a 20 Gauge Non-NFA 590 Shockwave

Mossberg bills their non-NFA, not-a-shotgun 590 Shockwave the modern-day six-shooter. It may not be quite as portable as a Single Action Army, but it looks like it would make a hell of a good trunk gun or home defense blaster. Now Mossy’s adding a 20 gauge version to go along with the original 12 gauge … Read more