What’s the Definition of a Mass Shooting? Anti-Gun Groups Play Loose With the Numbers

When it comes to reporting news on shootings and gun deaths, the numbers don’t lie…or do they? It’s hard to say when the numbers and measurements don’t even match and groups with an agenda twist the definitions of “mass shooting” to help inflate the numbers. There were 648 mass shootings in 2020, according to the … Read more

Mother Jones Gets A Lot Wrong In Its Hit Piece Blaming Makers’ Advertising For ‘Gun Violence’

Now comes another in the long line of attacks on the gun industry and how it markets its products to customers. The latest is from Mark Follman at Mother Jones. Apparently attempting to blow the lid off of gun makers’ promotional strategies, Follman hangs his hat on a report titled UnTargeting Kids compiled by the … Read more

Mother Jones: Virginia Citizens Defense League and SAF are ‘More Extreme Than the NRA’

The far-left site Mother Jones has taken a look around the modern gun rights movement and has proclaimed that orgs like the Virginia Citizens Defense League and the Second Amendment Foundation are both poised to take over where the National Rifle Association is leaving off. And they’re sounding the alarm, declaring that the successors are … Read more

Mother Jones: Guns Bought Online Don’t Require Background Checks

House Democrats plan to prioritize a bill that will require a background check for every gun sale, according to multiple sources close to the matter. The legislation represents an aggressive shift in strategy by Democrats and their gun reform allies, who in previous years had tended to pursue more modest background check bills that would … Read more

Misplaced Blame: The Phillips Family Blames the Law, NRA for Their Financial Problems, When the Brady Campaign is at Fault

Reader Jeff S. writes: As most TTAG readers are aware, some family members of victims killed in the 2012 Aurora, Colorado movie theater mass-murder sued several gun and ammunition sellers, including Lucky Gunner, LLC. The suit asserted that these parties were somehow negligently responsible for the murderer’s actions. Thanks to the Protection of Lawful Commerce … Read more