Washington Insurance Commissioner Fines USCCA $100,000 for Selling ‘Unauthorized Insurance’ in the State

UPDATE: USCCA gave TTAG the following statement: USCCA’s primary focus is empowering America’s responsible protectors to defend the people they love. In an effort to continue to support that mission, the USCCA has reached a resolution with the State of Washington Insurance Commissioner’s Office. The USCCA is currently not selling any new USCCA memberships in … Read more

San Jose Mayor Wants to Require That Gun Owners Have Liability Insurance

This isn’t the first time someone’s opined that all gun owners should have to carry a murder liability insurance policy if they choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights. But the San Jose Mayor’s proposed ordinance has a good chance of passing, which would set up an interesting court battle. “A mayor doesn’t have the … Read more

Judge to Hear Arguments Today in NRA Suit vs. New York Gov. Cuomo

In the (not so) olden days, we had Operation Choke Point. That was the Obama Justice Department’s 2013 effort to squeeze firearms-related firms by threatening banks and other financial institutions that dared to do business with them. That legal and financial intimidation finally ended in 2017 with the change of administrations. Now that the federal government’s … Read more

Allegedly Breaching a Contract With the NRA Can Be Expensive – Quote of the Day

“In the face of this politically motivated coercion, Lockton should have honored its fiduciary obligations and longstanding business relationship with the NRA and taken full responsibility for any compliance related concerns. Simply put, Lockton ceased to protect the NRA and its interests.” – NRA complaint filed in the Eastern District of New York in NRA Sues … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Redesigning the Conversation, Conservatives for Registration and Pushing “Murder Insurance”

Good luck with that . . . Can We Redesign The Way We Talk About Gun Control In America? Fred Dust, partner and global managing director at the design company Ideo,  also suspects that Americans’ common baseline on issues of gun control is more extensive than surface tensions would indicate. A distilled version of the … Read more