NAGR Running TV Ads Highlighting Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls’ Anti-Gun Rant

From NAGR: The National Association for Gun Rights launched a new TV ad Monday exposing Fort Bend County (Texas) Sheriff Troy Nehls for his attacks on the Second Amendment. In the TV ad, which may be viewed here, Nehls can be seen denouncing the lawful carry of firearms inside of a church, telling audience members … Read more

Don’t Exploit the COVID-19 Emergency to Push the Anti-Gun TAPS Act

By Ryan Frasor As liberty minded Americans, the focus of our fight must always be on protecting the God-given rights of the individual. Now more than ever we must be on alert for the bad actors who would gladly use the timing of a coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to give the government more power … Read more

Don’t Think an AR-15 Is a Good Home Defense Gun? Think Again

By National Association for Gun Rights Time and time again, gun-grabbers try to justify their calls for an AR-15 ban with one question: “Why on earth do you need an AR-15 for self-defense?” In March, Senator Chris Murphy came right out and said it on Twitter, that no one needs a semi-automatic rifle to defend … Read more

Trump’s ATF Director Nominee: Whom to Believe?

There seems to be a split among gun-rights groups about Chuck Canterbury, President Trump’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Canterbury, if confirmed, would succeed Acting ATF Director Regina “Reggie” Lombardo. She has filled the position since May 1, 2019. The agency has been without a permanent ATF director since B. … Read more

SHUSH Act Would Smash All Suppressor Regulations

Gun-loving Americans across the country understand suppressors are nothing more than a firearm accessory. One that can save their hearing. And as we reported last month, there’s a bill in Congress that recognizes that fact. The Silencers Helping Us Save Hearing (SHUSH) Act (S. 1505 and H.R. 3139), drafted by the National Association for Gun Rights and … Read more

NAGR Nags—But Doesn’t Beg

On the one hand, the DISCLOSE Act is really, really bad bill. Mandatory public disclosure of all campaign contributions above $600 and various other election ad-related provisions would have a chilling effect on said contributions and, thus, free speech. By the same token, the NRA’s “carve-out” is craven. On the other hand, the NRA’s exemption has rallied support against the bill (huzzah!). To their credit, the smaller gun rights groups (i.e. all the rest) that the NRA tried to throw under the bus have acted with more than semblance of dignity. The National Association for Gun Rights, for example, did NOT give the NRA a concussive clout around the ears, nor use this opportunity to finger me for some finbacks. Here’s their email:

Dear Brad ,

I’m happy to report that we’ve scored an important, albeit temporary, victory.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had planned to force a vote on the outrageous DISCLOSE Act — which could silence the National Association for Gun Rights and hundreds of other conservative groups not protected by the NRA’s sellout — today.

But over the last three days politicians and the NRA got a thumping from liberty-loving folks like you!

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