NAGR’s Brown: The NRA Has Been AWOL from the Second Amendment Fight for Decades

While [The National Association for Gun Rights’ Dudley] Brown thinks that the lawsuit is a “convenient” political persecution and said his organization doesn’t take any delight in James’ prosecution, the gun rights advocate said that exposing the corruption within the organization is important for its members. … Brown is not only outraged by the alleged … Read more

NAGR’s New SuperPAC Debuts TV Ad Warning Kentuckians About McMurtry’s Anti-Gun Record

From Gun Rights America: NAGR’s new SuperPAC, Gun Rights America, made its debut with a TV commercial warning Kentucky Republicans about attorney Todd McMurtry’s anti-gun record as he tries to defeat pro-gun hero Congressman Thomas Massie. The ad exposes McMurtry for running as a Republican, despite his long record of donating to radical anti-gun Democrat … Read more

NAGR Running TV Ads Highlighting Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls’ Anti-Gun Rant

From NAGR: The National Association for Gun Rights launched a new TV ad Monday exposing Fort Bend County (Texas) Sheriff Troy Nehls for his attacks on the Second Amendment. In the TV ad, which may be viewed here, Nehls can be seen denouncing the lawful carry of firearms inside of a church, telling audience members … Read more

Don’t Exploit the COVID-19 Emergency to Push the Anti-Gun TAPS Act

By Ryan Frasor As liberty minded Americans, the focus of our fight must always be on protecting the God-given rights of the individual. Now more than ever we must be on alert for the bad actors who would gladly use the timing of a coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to give the government more power … Read more

Don’t Think an AR-15 Is a Good Home Defense Gun? Think Again

By National Association for Gun Rights Time and time again, gun-grabbers try to justify their calls for an AR-15 ban with one question: “Why on earth do you need an AR-15 for self-defense?” In March, Senator Chris Murphy came right out and said it on Twitter, that no one needs a semi-automatic rifle to defend … Read more

H.R. 822: Be Careful What You Wish For

I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. I’ve not stayed recently at a Holiday Inn Express. Yet I fancy myself intelligent enough to believe that I can tell a good idea from a bad one, and determine if I’m/we’re about to get played. Of course confidence men, swindlers and politicians have a name for such people. Call them “marks,” “victims,” or “constituents,” the result is all the same. And they rarely kiss you first. Which is why the latest missive from Dudley Do Right Brown of the National Association for Gun Rights gave me pause, and frankly set my Spidey sense a-tinglin’.

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Anti-Gunners Exposed! Or Not. The Gun Show Loophole Madness Continues . . .

Just when you thought it was safe to open your inbox, along comes another missive from the National Association for Gun Rights. Today’s edition covers an ad paid for by Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund” or “MAIGAF” (my gaffe?). The ad tries to forge a connection between the so-called “gun show loophole” and the Columbine High School massacre. For added emphasis, it cites both then-Presidential candidates Senators McCain and Obama, who supported “closing the gun show loophole.” The National Association for Gun Rights or NAGRs—pronounced “NAG-GERS” just to be sure we’re clear that we’re not racists nor gun nuts) are busy banging the gong, warning that Congress wants to take away your right to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check.

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