NRA Reschedules Its Canceled April Annual Meeting for September 5

Like virtually every big event that was scheduled in April and May, one prominent casualty of the coronavirus state of emergency and lockdown was the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting and convention that had been scheduled for Nashville from April 16-19. That lost revenue was a big hit to the gun rights org, at least … Read more

MacBride: I’ve Finally Found the Source of the NRA’s Power

Quartz contributor Elizabeth MacBride attended the NRA annual meetings and convention in Indianapolis back in April. It’s apparently taken her nine months to recover from the experience and synthesize her thoughts about the horrors she witnessed there. She seems to have concluded that the source of the NRA’s power isn’t its money or its five … Read more

BREAKING: Ackerman McQueen Severs Ties With NRA

When the National Rifle Association first sued PR and advertising firm Ackerman McQueen, we wondered how much longer the decades-old relationship between the two could survive. Now, more than a month later and after a flurry of accusations, more lawsuits and counter-suits, Ackerman has moved to terminate its relationship with the NRA. As The Hill … Read more

Pincus: This is What NRA Members Can Do Now to #ChangeTheNRA

By Rob Pincus [ED: You may have seen our post regarding documents recently leaked which detail questionable spending by National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre as well as tens of millions of dollars in legal fees paid to an outside attorney. Rob Pincus posted the following on his Facebook page regarding … Read more