Trump Promises NRA Crowd Continued 2A Support, Big Victory In November

Former president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke to an exuberant crowd on Saturday at the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association in Dallas and promised to continue his unwavering support of the Second Amendment over the next four years. Before the speech, Trump was endorsed by the NRAs Political Victory Fund, which … Read more

NRA Dethroned as Top Gun Lobby in DC

Long a bane of anti-gun politicians, Democrats (typically one and the same) and the mainstream media, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has been often blamed as well as credited, depending on which side of the issue a person falls on, with effectively stopping much of the legislation in Congress that would whittle away citizens’ Second … Read more

Anti-Gunners Self Own When Celebrating LaPierre’s Loss

For those of us who follow gun news, it’s well-known that the NRA has been a corrupt organization for a long time and that the problem has grown worse over time. Self-serving “leaders” wasted the organization’s money and largely abandoned the causes of fighting for gun rights and firearms education. So, it’s great news that … Read more

N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James Statement on NRA Case Win

The New York Attorney General’s Office posted a press release announcing their successful prosecution of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre and others in a civil corruption trial. Wayne LaPierre was found guilty of breach of fiduciary duty and assessed damages of $4.3 million. John Frazier was also found guilty of the same charge but … Read more

Jury Finds NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Guilty, Orders Him To Repay $4.3M For Misuse of Charitable Funds

For years Wayne LaPierre dismissed charges of malfeasance under his watch as unfounded. He fired or replaced whistleblowers like Col. Oliver North. And then Latitia James caught up with him. On Friday, after six weeks of trial and five days of deliberations, a jury found the NRA’s now-former head “liable” in a civil corruption trial. … Read more

Former NRA Officials Admit In Court What They Denied For Years; NRA Board Member Calls for New Leadership

For most folks, the threat of felony criminal perjury charges tends to encourage honesty, even from those who dismiss or ignore their fiduciary responsibility to act honorably and truthfully to an organization’s members. Hence, why as the New York corruption trial continues, all manner of improprieties previous repeatedly denied in the past to the NRA’s … Read more

NRA Finds Constitutional Friends Amid Legal Woes

If you read everything in the news of late and even talk to some gun rights supporters, you know NRA has been having a host of fits on a number of legal and organizational fronts and have quite a few forces aligned against them even from within the gun community. New York Attorney General Letitia … Read more

After He Bested Them For Decades, Anti-Gun Groups Cheer LaPierre Resignation

As gun-ban advocates (and even some pro-gun voices) gloat over the announcement of National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s resignation, they’re leaving out some important facts. Despite some of NRA’s more recent challenges and criticisms, what they aren’t telling you is that the NRA, under LaPierre’s leadership, has outfoxed them at nearly every … Read more

BREAKING: Wayne LaPierre Resigns On Eve of Civil Corruption Trial

Today the National Rifle Association publicly announced that long-time Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre will formally step down from his leadership position at the end of January.  The embattled leader has faced all manner of criticism for a number of years which has culminated in a civil corruption trial that starts Monday in Manhattan. LaPierre, originally … Read more