Media, Mind-games & Malice Aforethought.


I was busy minding my own business the other day, when Fearless Leader calls me. “Brad, the Brady people have just released a commercial…it’s on HuffPo…I’m heading to the range…go forth and blog it for me.” And so I did. And it was good. (The response to the post. Not the commercial.) No, the commercial was something else. How do I loathe thee…let me count the ways… I found the spot to be totally disingenuous and dangerous, in the same way that that poisoned apple was dangerous to Snow White. It looked pretty, sounded good, but has a nasty payload, once you put the bite on it. Let me explain…

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Obama Joins the NRA

DATELINE: WASHINGTON D.C., April 1, 2011 – President Barack Obama has joined the NRA. In a carefully-worded statement that will be released to the mainstream media later today, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stated that the President is now a Life Member in good standing of the National Rifle Association. “The President has always supported Americans’ right to keep and bear arms,” Carney said. “While there are have been significant policy differences between the Obama administration and the NRA, the President sees this move as a reflection of his desire to seek consensus on a controversial issue for the benefit of all Americans.” Carney also said his boss would also be joining The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, PETA and the Sierra Club. When asked for a statement on this stunning turn of events, NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre said . . .

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The First TTAG Meet-up @ The NRA Confab

As you’ve probably already read, TTAG will be out in force, covering the NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits like GSR on a competition shooter’s hand. Or something. A number of the TTAG Armed Intelligencia have asked if we could have a meet-up for those of you attending, or who live in the greater Pittsburgh area. Which sounds like a great idea to us. (Truth to tell, in this age of the Internet, most of your humble correspondents have not met, face to face. Unless you count Apple’s FaceTime. Still. Whatever.)

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NRA Smoking Gun on National Parks Rifle Regs has some inside baseball stuff on the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) lobbying efforts in our nation’s capitol. Unless you’re a beltway boy, it’s pretty esoteric stuff. Suffice it to say, “Shocking new e-mails obtained by RedState show that the National Rifle Association actively opposed and sought to undermine gun-rights legislation offered in the Senate by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK).” The key communication [after the jump] reveals that the NRA worked to make sure that the law allowing firearms into national parks excluded rifles. To prevent poaching. Yes, well, handgun – bear. AR – bear. Know what I mean?

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Supremes Nominee Kagan: Did She or Didn’t She?

Those wacky ObamaNauts. I guess when you’ve got the White House, the Senate and the House, you figure the world is your Oyster – and so’s the Supreme Court. But the Big O is finding life anything but a bowl of Cherry Blossoms this time o’ year in D.C. Most guys with the entire Legislative Branch as their bee-yatch would rightly figure that any nominee for the Supreme Court would have an easy time of it. Not this time. Chaz Bono impersonator Elena Kagan may have zero judicial experience (not a prerequisite for serving on the court, by the way), but she’s left a paper trail a mile wide and several administrations long – which presents her and the ObamaNation with something of a problem.

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NRA + Harry Reid = Love Connection?

Say it isn’t so. Please. According to the New Orleans-based, the National Rifle Association has endorsed the re-election campaign of U.S. Senate majority leader Harry Reid. Excuse me; I have to run to the restroom for a little Technicolor® yawn. Seriously, has the NRA taken leave of their ever-lovin’ minds? Apparently. And as one of their newest Life Members, I am seriously ticked off about this. Here’s the 411 on this surreal moment, straight out of a Rod Serling nightmare . . .

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NRA(nd) Away We Go…

As RF mentioned earlier, I’m about to fly out to Charlotte, NC for the anual National Rifle Association confab. (And boy will my arms be tired.) The keynote speakers will be Gov. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, so I’m expecting this to be a pretty interesting get-together. Of course, what NRA convention would be complete … Read more