Joint Resolution Seeks To Block Biden’s “Engaged In The Business” Rule

A joint resolution of disapproval introduced on Wednesday in the U.S. Senate seeks to block the Biden Administration’s Final Rule that outlaws  most private sales by changing the definition of who is “engaged in the business” of selling firearms. The measure was introduced by Texas Sen. John Cornyn, North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis and 43 … Read more

Report: Biden’s Magazine Ban Targets Three-Quarters Of Mags In U.S.

President Joe Biden and other gun-ban advocates like to tell Americans that firearms magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are “evil.” What they don’t tell you, however, is that these magazines, which they want to ban, make up the vast majority of mags owned by Americans. As recently as Feb. 14 Biden called for … Read more

Missouri Resolution Supports Continued Commercial Utilization of Lake City Ammunition Plant

Missouri state Rep. Aaron McMullen’s introduction of a concurrent resolution supporting the continued commercial utilization of Lake City Army Ammunition Plant is being applauded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and others who have been following the political attacks on the utilization of the important factory. The resolution would mark the Missouri General Assembly’s … Read more

NRA Dethroned as Top Gun Lobby in DC

Long a bane of anti-gun politicians, Democrats (typically one and the same) and the mainstream media, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has been often blamed as well as credited, depending on which side of the issue a person falls on, with effectively stopping much of the legislation in Congress that would whittle away citizens’ Second … Read more

NSSF Files Brief in Support of Bump Stock Case Before the Supreme Court

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the challenge by Michael Cargill in Garland v. Cargill. Cargill challenges that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) overstepped its authority when officials there published a final rule that criminalized the possession of bump stocks by classifying … Read more

Chicks Dig the Gun & Other Fun Findings from the NSSF’s Latest Shooting Participation Report

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) just released their annual Firearm Ownership & Sport Shooting Participation in the U.S. report with stats from 2022. And while the mainstream media and anti-gunners would try to argue that gun rights groups and pro-freedom politicians are out of touch with the desires of mainstream America, the report revealed … Read more

BREAKING: The Guardian Exposes the NSSF as an Industry Trade Association That Represents Its Industry Members

During Donald Trump’s presidency, the NSSF used its lobbying muscle to help prod his administration to move regulation of gun exports from the state department to the commerce department, a shift that seems to have yielded financial dividends for gun exporters due to the department’s pro-business approach. In the past few years, as the 5-million-member NRA has … Read more

Change: NSSF Holds First Congressional Fly-In in 4 Years Without a Speaker Pelosi

By Matt Manda Firearm and ammunition industry members gathered in Washington, D.C., for the annual NSSF Congressional Fly-In and for the first time in four years it did not include a House of Representatives overseen by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Gone are the days of House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and House … Read more

NSSF Files Motion for an Injunction to Block Enforcement of Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation . . . NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to block state authorities from enforcing HB 5471, the recently-enacted “Protect Illinois Communities Act,” which bans the sale of several hundred of the most commonly-owned semiautomatic rifles in America, including all rifles on the very … Read more