State Outlook Even More Jumbled for Firearms

By Larry Keane Everyone has that kitchen drawer. That’s the one where a book of matches, take-out menus, extra cell-phone power cords, pet treats, a pack of gum and a hammer are kept. That is, of course, if you could only find them under the rest of the junk in there. That’s sort of what … Read more

NSSF Releases 2018 Midterm Election Congressional Scorecard

There are just 14 days until the midterm elections. Early voting has already started in a number of states around the country. If you’re looking for House and Senate candidates who support the Second Amendment and Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, the National Shooting Sports Association is out with a helpful Congressional scorecard … Read more

The Newtown Action Alliance Wimps Out

  Earlier today, the post-Newtown Newtown Action Alliance protested the gun industry’s unwillingness to throw the Second Amendment under the bus. They did so by demonstrating in front of the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s headquarters – at the same time that all the NSSF big wigs (and 60,000 of their closest friends) are attending the … Read more

Sighting In.

I’ve been interested in how to sight-in a weapon for some time. It’s one of those subjects cloaked in mystery, superstition, science, pseudo-science, alchemy and wives tales (like ballistics and stopping power, I suppose). So my interest was piqued when an email came across my desk from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, with the claim … Read more

Survey: 8,868,085 People Shot a “Modern Sporting Rifle” in 2009

That’s an “assault rifle” to gun control advocates and our friends in the media. Mind you, we’re not talking about 8,868,085 owners of AR-style rifles; the black gun-owning population may be smaller (one owner, multiple guns) or larger (owners who don’t want to tell all and sundry they’re ready for Armageddon). Sensibly enough, the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF)—sponsors of the “Shooting Sports Participation Survey in the United States in 2009”—doesn’t want to go anywhere near the gun census thing. Instead, the NSSF has trained its sights on countering the black gun backlash (such as it was) . . .

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40% Buy Guns for “Home Protection; 36% for “Personal Protection.” Or Something Like That.

I make that 76 percent of Americans buy a gun or guns for some kind of defensive purpose, according to a National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) poll conducted by Harris Interactive. A couple of problems though. First, I think the survey covers the last six months, but it’s not clearly stated. There’s no link to the data, methodology or sample size; I can’t find it on the NSSF’s website and Harris Interactive doesn’t have it on their site, either. Second, the press release (via also claims that “Target shooting (30 percent) and hunting (28 percent) came next.” No math maven I, but I make that 134 percent in total. Overlap, obviously. Which renders the survey a lot less, uh, useful. What were the options respondents didn’t pick? “To help the Tea Party mount an armed insurrection?” The NSSF site is equally unenlightening on matters procedural. So, with enough caveats to satisfy Russian nuclear arms negotiators, here are some of the NSSF’s conclusions:

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