Armed Criminal Demands Wallet And Cell Phone But Settles For Forever Nap

911 calls rang out in the early morning hours of September 22nd reporting gunshots and a male seen lying on the ground in Henderson, Nevada, according to officials. If you need yet another eye-rolling reference to provide the next easily led automaton who questions why you need a gun, here’s one more for the dumpster … Read more

Las Vegas Homeowner Shoots And Kills Intruder

A Las Vegas resident recently shot and killed an intruder attempting to break into their home in the morning hours of Thursday, September 26th. Police say the shooting occurred while the homeowner was on the phone with authorities reporting the man had already broken a window and was acting “extremely irrational.”  It was around 7:40 … Read more

When It Comes to Coke and Guns, Go Big With Your Lies to Police or Go Home

Here’s one from the “Nice Try Dude” department. A coked-out Hunter Biden wannabe sat in his Henderson, Nevada, condo last Friday and by his own accounts ingested a gram of cocaine (that was in addition to the three grams he said he had ingested earlier in the week) before shooting up the surrounding condo buildings … Read more

Activist Shareholder Suit Against Smith & Wesson Lawsuit Dismissed

While most gun owners respect everyone’s First Amendment rights as much as their Second Amendment rights, let’s face it, it doesn’t always work the other way around. In fact, as we’re seeing on a lot of college campuses in the United States right now, activism is often the work of spoiled people with too much … Read more

Nevada County Evicts Anti-Gun Judges From County Government Building

“Gun-free” zones are something of a contagion, particularly among government entities. When rigorously treated (through opposition and education), they can be contained to a reasonable size and cover only “essential” places like prisons. When ignored and allowed to flourish, they have a way of spreading and infecting areas around them. That’s exactly what’s happened in … Read more

BLM Protestor ‘Accidentally’ Fires Gun, No Arrest Made, No Charges

You’re probably familiar with what appears to have been an Antifa member shooting and killing a man at a Trump rally in Portland, Oregon — something that hasn’t really been covered fervently by the mainstream media…surprise, surprise. But that wasn’t the only round fired at a protest yesterday. At a BLM protest in Carson City, … Read more

Court Ruling: AR-15s Are Now Machineguns In Nevada…Apparently

I have written extensively on the subject of bump-fire stocks (or “bump-stock-type devices” (BSTD), as the ATF so charmingly refers to them), and why they matter beyond their suddenly being designated as “machineguns” or their uncompensated taking. Too extensively for some, who didn’t want “to die on Bump Stock Hill,” when we had other things … Read more

Gun Sales Surge Background Check Delays: 2 Days in Colorado, 3 Weeks in Washington State

In some states the spike in gun sales is being met with the expected slowdown in NICS background check processing. According to an employee at a gun store in Colorado – yes, I’m leaving his name out of this but he’s a friend of mine – their current delay on background checks is almost two … Read more

Why the Remington Case Cert Denial Matters More Than You Think

I have noticed a disturbing trend in the Supreme Court, considering that many people believe it to be a majority-conservative court with the appointments of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. The Supreme Court unanimously rejected an appeal for a temporary stay of enforcement of the bump-stock-type device ban. That means Trump’s we’re sure they’ll be pro-2A … Read more