Murphy Closed New Jersey’s Gun Stores Because of Hoplophobia, Not Public Health

By Theresa Inacker New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently used his personal dislike for the Second Amendment as justification for closing New Jersey gun shops during a national emergency. Governor Murphy unilaterally decided that gun shops and NICS background checks are not essential, but liquor stores and garden centers are. When asked at a COVID-19 … Read more

Second Amendment Foundation Sues NJ Gov. Phil Murphy For Depravation of Gun Rights

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . In a move directly linked to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit against New Jersey Gov. Philip D. Murphy and State Police Supt. Patrick J. Callahan, asserting violation of civil rights under color of law by shutting down firearms dealerships … Read more

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Didn’t Let a Crisis Go to Waste

Many gun owners have said for years, maybe decades, that the background check system — whether it’s the FBI’s NICS system or state-run operations — could be used as a convenient way to shut down gun sales in an emergency or other situation. Anyone who voiced that opinion was usually laughed at by people who … Read more

New Jersey Shuts Down NICS Background Check Access for Unknown Length of Time

Those who live in New Jersey have been given a “shelter in place” order. The order includes the closure of whatever the New Jersey government considers non-essential businesses, and on that list is every FFL in the state. This notice has been posted to the New Jersey Portal NICS page: Remember, in New Jersey all … Read more