New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Loses His Huge Gun Tax Hikes in Final Budget Deal

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy never passes up an opportunity to further burden the right to keep and bear arms in his Second Amendment hellhole of a state. Raising costs and increasing the hassles involved in gun ownership is just part of what governing means for Murphy. Along those lines, Murphy used the expense of … Read more

NJ’s Phil Murphy’s Huge Gun Fee Hikes are Only the Latest Attack on Garden State Gun Rights

New Jersey Governor Phil “That’s Above My Pay Grade” Murphy is at it again. In his continued assault on Second Amendment rights (and freedom in general) in the Garden State, Murphy is using the current COVID-19 crisis as a springboard to radically increase fees for firearms permits. From New Jersey millionaires, smokers, and gun … Read more

New Jersey Gov. Murphy Uses COVID for Cover to Raise Gun Fees and Taxes

By Larry Keane As the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” Democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is taking the mantra to a new level by proposing “stronger gun control” in the Garden State. This time, he’s using the COVID-19 pandemic to raise taxes on law-abiding gun owners and … Read more

New Jersey Governor Proposes Huge Increases in Gun Fees [VIDEO]

  This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Murphy Wants to Raise Permit Costs New Jersey governor Phil Murphy is continuing his push to increase the cost … Read more

New Jersey Gov. Murphy Wants to Price Low Income Citizens Out of Armed Self Defense

By NRA-ILA It’s no secret that the Garden State is hardly Eden for Second Amendment supporters, who are subjected there to some of the strictest firearm laws in the nation. But now Democrat Gov. Philip D. Murphy is targeting New Jersey’s law-abiding gun owners and would-be gun owners with proposals to increase by several orders … Read more