ATF Death Watch 37: Collateral Damage


With the Obama Administration using Executive Orders to implement policies that are clearly outside Federal Law in order to draw attention away from the ATF Follies (Projects Gunwalker/Gunrunner/Fast n’ Furious/et al),  you’d think the Boys inside the Beltway would pounce on something – anything – that would make the ATF look credible, and give some credence to the idea of a “River o’ Guns” flowing into Mexico. And you’d be wrong. Witness the way the ObamaNation has completely overlooked this little gem coming out of a “scandal-plagued New Mexico border town” who just fired their entire police department due to a gun smuggling scandal.

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New Mexico Shoots For (Not At) Eco-Tourism

“New Mexico wants to join the ecotourism trend, promoting not only the state’s natural beauty but also outdoor adventure, cultural heritage preservation and access to wild places.” Sounds like a plan to me. “Visitors are attracted by that sense of place we have here in New Mexico,” Deputy Tourism Secretary Jennifer Hobson tells “They … Read more

New Mexico Set to De-Recognize Other State’s Concealed Carry Permits

On Friday, the New Mexico Department of Public Safety announced that it would no longer recognize concealed carry permits issued by Utah. TTAG suggested that The Land of Enchantment was disenchanted with The Beehvive State’s gun trainers because Utah’s mob were encroaching on New Mexico’s home grown instructors’ turf. I just got off the blower with New Mexico’s PR guy. DPS spinmeister Peter Olsen says it’s all about Utah’s sub-standard standards. “We became concerned that residents were circumventing our conceal carry laws,” Olsen maintained. “Utah’s trainers were giving permits to New Mexicans after four hours of classroom instruction. In our state, permit holders must take 15 hours of instruction, which includes proven proficiency.” We’re talking range safety, gun safety and basic marksmanship (“being able to hit what you’re aiming at”). Surprisingly, Olsen said his employer never had “real reciprocity” with Utah, anyway.

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New Mexico Pulls the Plug on Utah Concealed Carry Reciprocity. Here’s Why . . .

After the MORE button: the official press release from the New Mexico Department of Public Safety re: the termination of The Land of Enchantment’s concealed carry reciprocity agreement with Utah. Let me save you some reading-between-the-lines time. Firearms trainers from Utah (and Florida) have fanned out across the country, offering concealed carry courses to non-residents (including states without reciprocity, like New York). At the end of the four-hour-ish instruction, the educators give qualified attendees the magic piece of paper: a Utah concealed carry permit. They’re then good to stow in 17—sorry, 16—states: Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming. What’s wrong with that? As far as I’m concerned, nothing. But Utah’s freelancers are taking food off the table of firearms instructors in New Mexico, who argue that the roving Utah instructors’ standards are below New Mexico’s. Really? TTAG will call New Mexico DPS on Monday to ferret out their exact justification. Much merriment is sure to ensue.