Migrant Arrests For Multi-State Gun And Drug Running Operations 

Immigration officials have had their work cut out for them, aggressively pursuing and deporting violent illegal immigrants since President Donald Trump’s inauguration. They have not been alone, however, as it has been an all-hands-on-deck effort for federal, state and local agencies (where not corrupted by liberal politics) working together to clean up the mess created … Read more

New York City Politicians Attack Guns, Not Crime

For decades, NRA-ILA has pointed out that gun control advocates are disingenuous when it comes to public safety. Anti-gun politicians and the agencies and jurisdictions they control seek to encumber and disarm law-abiding individuals in any manner possible, while at the same time failing to vigorously enforce the law against dangerous criminals. Consider a pair of recent stories from arguably the … Read more

NYC’s Subway AI Weapons Scanners Fail to Find a Single Gun

The Associated Press reports that a recent pilot program testing AI-powered weapons scanners in New York City subway stations resulted in over 100 false alerts, but no firearms were detected. Data from the New York Police Department, released Wednesday night, shows that the Evolv-manufactured scanners flagged a total of 118 false positives during nearly 3,000 … Read more

NYC Subway Shooting: Brooklyn District Attorney Will Not File Charges

In follow-up to Jennifer Sensiba’s op-ed yesterday, “New Yorkers Sure Didn’t Get Much Safety For Their Lost 4A Rights,” here’s a little follow-up to the story, and coming from New York City, some may actually find it surprising. Following a recent incident that unfolded on a New York City subway, the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office … Read more

New Yorkers Sure Didn’t Get Much Safety For Their Lost 4A Rights

“Where’s NYPD? Oh my God! Close the door! Close the door!” JUST IN: New Yorkers take cover and beg for the NYPD to come and save them after man is shot in the head. The incident happened inside the Hoyt-Schermerhorn subway station in Brooklyn. According to ABC 7, the shooter, 36, pulled out a gun … Read more

NY Gov Bans the Long Gun for National Guardsman Patrolling Subways

Apparently New Yorkers want to feel safe from the surge in subway crime in Metropolis, but the sight of big, scary rifles in the hands of those sent to protect them is just a little too much. As a result, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has directed the National Guard to cease carrying long guns … Read more

GOA Deals New York’s ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ Gun Control Law Another Defeat

New York’s clearly unconstitutional post-Bruen gun control temper tantrum took another hit yesterday. US District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby issued an injunction blocking major portions of the law including the subjective “good moral character” requirement, the mandate that applicants provide the names and contact information of other adults in the home, and the requirement for … Read more

The Brooklyn Subway Attack Just Unraveled the Gun Control Argument Presented in NYSRPA v. Bruen

The attack that occurred in New York City subway yesterday is proof positive that gun control, as envisioned by the Gun Control Industry and like-minded politicians, simply does not work. Honest, hard-working people were going about their day in Brooklyn, headed to work. Thanks to the intransigence of their local and state governments, these people … Read more

New York City’s Eric Adams Teams Up With Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot In A Race To The Bottom

It’s generally considered well worthwhile to seek the advice of others with more experience when taking on a new job. By seeking the counsel of an accomplished, recognized authority in a particular field, you can avoid costly mistakes and benefit from the lessons others have already learned. That’s why it’s so baffling that New York … Read more