Ayres and Vars: Standards Have Evolved So Property Owners Should Affirmatively State Whether Concealed Carry is Allowed

The law of trespass has long hinged on legal inferences about what is and isn’t an implied invitation. A girl scout may ring your doorbell to sell cookies, because your doorbell and the paved walkway to your front door implicitly invite that behavior. But the same scout might very well be trespassing if she walked around … Read more

Relax New Yorkers, You’ll Still Be Able to Make Life Difficult for Concealed Carriers

Over the past four decades, most American states chose to let everyday citizens carry concealed weapons. Indeed, about half of states no longer even require a permit to pack heat. New York took a different path — but is being dragged into a more lenient gun-carrying regime by the courts. Exactly how far it will … Read more

New York Crime Victims Denied Carry Permits Should Demand Apologies, Reparations

🚨WANTED-Att. Rape: 9/15/22 approx. 9:50AM, vicinity of Aqueduct Ave & W 181 St @NYPD46PCT Bronx. The suspect exposed himself, & removed a female victim's pants before attempting to her rape her. Any info call us at 800-577-TIPS or use https://t.co/TRPPY5AfKA Reward up to $3,500 pic.twitter.com/Fhf94kU5Qk — NYPD Crime Stoppers (@NYPDTips) September 16, 2022 From the … Read more

Santiago: New York’s New Concealed Carry Law is Full Of Booby Traps the State is Bound to Step In

[California’s] SB 918 is a copycat bill closely following the template of the State of New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA) that was railroaded to passage earlier this year following the Supreme Court decision to gut the discretionary issue permit laws of New York and other states, including California. New York’s angry response was … Read more

The Post-Bruen New York and California Punitive Gun Control Laws are Clearly Unconstitutional

After Bruen, a notable noncomplier is New York Governor Kathy Hochul. She also follows in the footsteps of her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo. Both passed their big gun control bills by sending a “message of necessity”—a maneuver to prevent legislative hearings and to deprive legislators of time to read a bill before they vote on it. … Read more

NY Mayor Adams Can Only Stoke Fear as the Supreme Court’s NYSRPA v. Bruen Ruling Nears

Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams was elected to get his city back on a path to safety. He’s instead continued down the path of his predecessors to punish law-abiding New Yorkers. He’s failed to turn the focus and resources towards those that commit crimes and hold them to account. The result is surging crime … Read more

Boyce: There’s Nothing Reasonable About ‘Shall-Issue’ Concealed Carry in New York City

  New York and New Jersey are two of the eight states that have similar laws giving local authorities discretion to decide who receives gun permits. Legal experts say a decision striking down or loosening those “proper cause” requirements will mean more concealed weapons in public places — especially concerning in densely populated areas. “I … Read more

New York’s Backdoor Repression of Second Amendment Rights May Finally Be Coming To An End

By Brad Palumbo In a landmark 2010 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that in addition to the federal government, states must also respect the public’s individual constitutional right to bear arms. Yet the high court has neglected to take any more major Second Amendment cases in the decade since that would have further clarified the scope … Read more

Amnesty International: Allowing New Yorkers to Carry Firearms Would Violate International Law

  [Amnesty International] argues that “The Constitution was . . . drafted with international law as a set of background norms, and this Court should construe the Constitution accordingly.” However, none of the alleged “background norms” that AI cites existed in 1791 when the Second Amendment was ratified, or in 1868 when the Fourteenth Amendment … Read more