New York’s Backdoor Repression of Second Amendment Rights May Finally Be Coming To An End

By Brad Palumbo In a landmark 2010 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that in addition to the federal government, states must also respect the public’s individual constitutional right to bear arms. Yet the high court has neglected to take any more major Second Amendment cases in the decade since that would have further clarified the scope … Read more

This is How New York City Will Make Concealed Carry Practically Impossible Even After Losing at the Supreme Court

But wait: If Times Square is “sensitive” on a busy night, then so is much of the city, much of the time.  Rockefeller Center is about to get “sensitive” for two and a half months, when the storied Christmas tree arrives. The Triborough and Brooklyn bridges are “sensitive” landmarks, as is the Lincoln Tunnel. Macy’s … Read more

May Issue Permitting Can’t Survive an Accurate Reading of Text, History and Tradition

Today the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, which is expected to produce the Court’s first major Second Amendment decision in over a decade. MSLF’s Center to Keep and Bear Arms participated in a live blog during argument, and a panel discussion held afterwards. Earlier this year, we filed … Read more