NY Gov. Hochul’s Law Claims Its First Victims: Historical Battle Reenactors

During the annual Battle of Plattsburgh commemoration, re-enactors from New York, Canada and the Northeast demonstrate the ground battles that occurred as a naval battle took place simultaneously on Lake Champlain. They also march in a parade with their muzzleloaders, flintlocks and black powder rifles and camp on the grounds of the local historic museum. … Read more

Statewide Chaos and Confusion as New York Gov. Hochul’s Punitive Gun Control Laws Go Into Effect Tomorrow

On Thursday, Sept. 1, New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul’s new gun restrictions take effect and there’s one common feeling across the state: confusion. The governor decried the decision when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Empire State’s subjective restrictive “may issue” concealed carry requirements. She said she was “shocked” and responded by pushing even more … Read more

Geraghty: It’s Getting Hard to Tell Which Side Wants a Civil War More

Those who vote for the opposition are American citizens. They’re moms and dads and grandparents and brothers and sisters. In many cases, members of the same family, neighborhood, groups of friends, and teammates don’t vote the same. You don’t have to like them, and you don’t have to agree with them. But you must respect … Read more

NY Governor Kathy Hochul Could Learn Something Important From the Indiana Mall Shooting. But She Won’t.

The recent heroics of an Indiana man to neutralize a murderer in a mall shows the folly of New York’s new law restricting where law-abiding citizens can legally carry a firearm with a state-issued permit. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision struck down New York’s “may issue” pistol permit law. In response, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul pushed … Read more

Governor Hochul Doesn’t Need Facts or Data to Tell Her That New Yorkers Have Too Many Gun Rights

It only took 30 seconds, that’s all. New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul held a press conference calling back her state’s legislature for an “extraordinary” session to pass more gun control after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s restrictive and subjective “may issue” pistol permit license scheme. In 30 seconds, she vocalized why … Read more

Same As the Old Boss: NY Governor Hochul Continues Cuomo’s ‘Gun Violence Emergency’ Declaration

By Larry Keane New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is just two months into her term and not wasting time renewing a sham gun control effort that began under her predecessor, disgraced former Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo’s gun violence disaster emergency order carried a taxpayer price tag of $160 million, ostensibly to target crime hotspots, engage … Read more

Northeast Anti-Gun Governors’ Dog and Pony Show is a Damp Squib

By Larry Keane Four northeast Democratic governors recently announced they will start sharing gun crime data to begin a new cooperative effort to combat “gun violence.” The video press conference drew less than 190 live viewers, but media coverage afterwards was predictably fawning and gave the governors exactly what they wanted – a quick and … Read more

New York’s New Governor Kathy Hochul’s Stance on Guns Has ‘Evolved’ Over the Years

Her subsequent, publicly leftward shift reflects the political necessity of running for statewide office, where the median voter is far to the left of that in Hochul’s former congressional district. That shift included a vastly different stance on guns. During her 2014 campaign for Lieutenant Governor, Hochul called the failure of Congress to pass background … Read more