FPC Sues State Of New York Over Body Armor Ban

The fact that some states like New York ban the private ownership of body armor basically tells me just one thing—they want to be able to kill you without you having any protection to avoid that. Such laws are absurd, making anyone who owns body armor for any reason a criminal. Under current New York … Read more

Voters Aren’t Buying the Gun Control Laws Anti-Gun Politicians are Selling

Politicians in New York and California push extreme gun control restrictions under the guise of keeping people “safe.” Governors Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul should take note – their voters disagree. Perception is reality and if voters feel endangered by surging criminal violence and continue to see news stories of violent criminals being let off … Read more

Lunatic on a Scooter Ignores New York’s ‘Gun Free Zone’ Signs, Randomly Opens Fire, Killing One [VIDEO]

Another day, another rash of senseless violence in New York City where the city’s Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg fails to enforce large sections of the criminal code. Remember those “Gun Free Zone” signs Gotham politicians put up to make residents feel safe? They apparently did nothing to discourage a 25-year-old Latino man from riding around … Read more

New York’s Elitist Gun Control Law Creates Privileges for Those Who Serve the State

A narrow set of exceptions has been written into New York’s new gun control law, which would allow churches to hire professional armed security. But this is a costly solution, and likely to leave many people still at risk in an attack. More to the point, it does not respect the individual right codified in the Second … Read more

Again: Judge Blocks New York’s Private Property Gun Ban

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . A federal judge in western New York has granted a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the “private property exclusion” tenet of the state’s new gun control law, calling it unconstitutional. The case, known as Christian et. al. v. Nigrelli, et. al., was brought by the Second Amendment … Read more

Judge Blocks New York State’s Ban on Carrying Firearms in Houses of Worship

The poison fruits of New York’s one-party-rule hoplophobic hissy fit of a gun control law that was enacted after the state lost bigly in the landmark Bruen case continue to be plucked from the gun control tree. Yesterday a New York District Court judge issued a restraining order blocking the state from enforcing its ban … Read more

New York’s New Gun Conrol, Ammo Registration Laws Impacting Conservation Dollars

By Matt Manda It’s only been two weeks since New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul’s expanded gun restriction laws took effect. The impacts have been immediate. Concealed carry permit holders, recreational target shooters, hunters, even historical battlefield reenactment groups, have all cried foul amidst the confusion and intrusion. The Hochul administration is frantically responding to criticisms, trying to settle nerves from … Read more

SAF, FPC Sue State of New York Challenging ‘Sensitive Places’ Concealed Carry Bans

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit challenging a new gun control law adopted in New York State following the Supreme Court’s nullification of its previous concealed carry state that required “proper cause,” alleging the state’s new statute is just as unconstitutional as the previous … Read more