In an Election Year, Gun Control Becomes Political in New Zealand and Jacinda Ardern is Losing Her Support

By Samara McPhedran, Griffith University Immediately after the Christchurch massacre in 2019, the New Zealand government pledged dramatic gun law changes. A year later, amid an ongoing elevated terror level, the government has quietly dropped its promises the laws will prevent future mass shootings. It has shifted instead to platitudes about never wanting to see … Read more

New Zealand Gun Owners Choose Not to Comply With Firearms Confiscation Law

Law abiding gun owners don’t appreciate being made to pay for the sins of a few unstable, crazy individuals. Particularly those who openly state that their intent is to bring about more gun control and limits on the right to keep and bear arms. As the Christchurch mosque shooter wrote in his 74-page rambling manifesto, … Read more

The Mighty Yeet Cannon…Yes or No?

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  There’s one thing that happened this week that isn’t really legally related, but I just can’t resist writing about: the YEET   CANNON. Hi-Point vs The Entire Internet Hi-Point unveiled their new pistol at the SHOT Show. … Read more

A New Zealand Gun Owner’s Plea For Help

New Zealand has become quite the hot mess for gun owners. Not only has the government gone after gun owners, forcibly confiscating firearms, but it seems at least one big sporting goods chain in Kiwiland has sided with the government against gun owners. Not only that, but according to one gun owner we’ve spoken to, … Read more

New Zealand Legislature Votes 119-1 To Ban Semi-Automatic Guns

New Zealand surrenders. On Wednesday, the New Zealand legislature voted 119-1 to ban semi-auto rifles based upon a single terror incident by a deranged leftist lunatic, giving the shooter exactly the kind of response he said he wanted in his rambling manifesto. Once the governor-general grants his blessing to the bill, it will take effect. … Read more

Details of New Zealand’s Gun Grab Revealed

Giving the mosque shooter exactly what he said he wanted, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern solves a non-existent problem by outlawing commonly-owned firearms that law-abiding Kiwis have owned for generations. “Every semi-automatic weapon used in the terrorist attack on Friday will be banned,” she said. The ban includes any semi-automatic guns or shotguns that are capable … Read more