Newsom’s Gun Control Constitutional Convention is Designed to Make Your Gun Rights Privileges

From the CCRKBA . . . Passage by California lawmakers of anti-gun Democrat Gov. Newsom’s call for a constitutional convention to push a 28th Amendment dictating gun control measures is a horrible move which should be rejected by all other states, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says.  Newsom’s proposal, … Read more

Newsom Tries to Spread the California ‘Success’ Story With His Doomed Gun Control Constitutional Amendment

California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom’s policy instincts match his hair gel. Both are applied liberally. Take his latest notion. He is proposing a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He’s not proposing to protect rights granted by our Creator, rather he’s looking to turn those rights into government-approved privileges. His proposal for the 28th Amendment would be: Raising the federal … Read more

Nine Shot in San Francisco As Gavin Newsom Tries to Export California’s Gun Control Laws

Gavin Newsom’s California is home to the most radical gun control measures of any state in America. It also wears crown for having the most shooting sprees. Correlation isn’t causation, but could the two be linked? Maybe all those gun control laws only serve to disarm the law-abiding while leaving the criminals free and emboldened … Read more

Gavin Newsom Tries to Export California’s Anti-Gun Authoritarianism Nationwide

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Today, Governor Gavin Newsom cynically called for using guns, gun owners, and tragedies to get free press for his perpetual political campaigning by proposing to drag the nation into his failed policy of criminalizing the mere exercise of fundamental rights. That Newsom is willing to offer this … Read more

Gavin Newsom Introduces the 28th Amendment to Limit Gun Rights and Make a More Perfect Union

How do you know that, not so deep down, California Governor Gavin Newsom is hoping that President Silver Alert doesn’t make it to election day and he’s the one who’s called upon to take up the Democrats’ banner in the fight against the Trumpublicans? Today, he announced that he’s proposing a 28th Amendment to the United … Read more