Magpul Shelves 60-Rounder, Offers Magazine Clamp

The SHOT Show is over, but TTAG’s Truth Squad still has some catching-up to do. In this case we bring news that Magpul as much as confirmed to Nick and myself that their quad-stack 60-round AR magazine is on hold, possibly permanently. Not to worry; you’ll soon be able to use the new Magpul Magazine Clamp to connect two P-Mags and make your own quad-stack 60-rounder. Well kinda . . .

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Ask Foghorn: What is Short Stroking?

A reader writes:

Could someone like CUJO please define for me the phrase “short stroking?” Does it have anything to do with shotguns?

Unlike the Urban Definition version of this phrase, “short stroking” a firearm is a serious malfunction with a number of causes. Luckily, I’ve had some recent firsthand experience diagnosing and fixing this issue, so let’s jump right in.

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Ask Foghorn: Competition Iron Sights

A reader writes:

A commenter on Foghorn’s $500 1000 yd rifle linked to a rifleman’s journal post, which in turn linked to a couple sight manufacturers. I’ve seen giant, weird-looking sights on competition rifles before, but don’t konw how they work. They’re unmagnified, no? Anyway, “Dear Foghorn, tell me  bout these neat sights!”

In my opinion, if something looks goofy or ugly on a gun then there are only two reasons that the shooter hasn’t realized his faux pas and removed it: either it was ridiculously cheap (like Tapco stuff) or it works really, really well. Competition iron sights are most definitely in the latter category. Here’s how they work.

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Gear Review: Primary Arms 3-9×40 Illuminated Scope

Primary Arms has made a name for themselves producing excessively cheap knockoffs of well known optics. TTAG even reviewed their Aimpoint Micro knockoff a while back (an optic I also used on my WASR’s Ultimak tube). Cheap red dots are great fun when precision accuracy isn’t necessary, but can Primary Arms’ longer range offerings prove just as good a value as their short range optics?

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Gun Review: LE/Mil Remington ACR

In this time of constantly accelerating innovation, any piece of equipment older than a few decades is due for replacement. This temporally-enhanced evolutionary process holds true for everything from refrigerators to battle rifles. A few years ago, Magpul designed the Magpul Masada rifle. Although the marketing department might have spent a little more time at Wikipedia (the siege at Masada only ended victoriously on the symbolic level), the Magpul long gun was everything the company believed a battle rifle should be. Remington took their concept to full production with their Remington ACR.

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Scoop Video! FNH SCAR PDW In Action FNH USA has been working on an experimental “personal defense weapon” version of the SCAR, and was showing it off at the NDIA symposium this week. With a little help from David Crane at Defense Review (who also doubled as cameraman for this video) I was able to fire off a couple shots. What … Read more

NDIA: Giggle Switches EVERYWHERE

It’s all over. The conference closing ceremonies were held this morning. Two hours later we were on the range blowing shit up. The final cease fire was called around 4:30 PM, much to the dismay of the shooters. Right now I’m sitting in the Indianapolis airport (how I got through security reeking of gunpowder and high explosives I will never know), still coming down off the adrenaline rush. I fired more machine guns than I have ever seen in my life, including a grenade launcher and a couple of experimental guns. I’ll be providing a range report for each and every one including video… first thing Monday morning. Until then, here’s some of my favourite pictures I snapped this afternoon.

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Ammunition Consistency Testing: Nosler Custom Varmint

Just when you thought you were safe from the boxplots, I bring you another mathematics filled post about ammunition consistency! Well, not mathematics filled, but more than you’d anticipate outside a statistics classroom. This week we’re testing Nosler’s Custom Varmint ammunition, a 40-grain treat for your .223 Remington rifle of choice.

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