Ask Foghorn: What Makes a Good Trigger?

Our fearless leader received an email from one of our readers.

“It seems people are always complaining about this trigger or that, or talking up the smooth-as-butter qualities of some high-end revolver they’ve just acquired. I claim almost no idea of what to look for in a trigger, and what idea I can claim comes mostly from reading others wax rhapsodic (or vitriolic) about triggers they’ve known and loved (or didn’t). I’d love to see some relatively clue-ful TTAGer ‘splain it all to me.”

RF has nominated me as our resident relative clue-ful gun guy. And so a series is born, starting with a little beginnner’s trigger talk . . .

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Gun Review: ArmaLite AR-50 50 BMG Rifle

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there’s beauty in functionality. If something fulfills a specific purpose and works flawlessly then it’s a work of art. Some might say the ArmaLite AR-50 .50 BMG Rifle is an ugly duckling because of its industrial appearance. To me, it’s a beautiful swan . . .

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ArmaLite AR50: Happiness is a Warm Gun on the 1,000 Yard Line

At 10:00 on Sunday morning, the airspace above Marine Corps Base Quantico was closed. The reason? I had just stepped to the firing line with my ArmaLite AR-50 chambered in 50 BMG (using Magtech 624gr M33 ammunition provided by Range control decided that I might be a danger to airplanes and so diverted air traffic while I had some fun competing in a modified Palma match. It was my first time shooting a 50 cal, and let me give you some of my impressions.

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Gear Review: Timney AR-15 Triggers

I was walking down the aisles at the NRA Convention when the Timney Triggers booth caught my eye. A gigantic banner above their booth proclaimed that they produced “The World’s Finest Triggers.” I couldn’t resist. “You make the best triggers, eh?” I asked. “Yes, we do!” the representative behind the table responded. “Prove it!” I retorted. “No problem! Give me your address” he replied. Two weeks later a package arrived on my doorstep, courtesy of Timney Triggers.

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