50% of Attorneys General Confirm They Don’t Know How the Internet Works [VIDEO]

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Thanks to the ATF, you can now buy handguns with your hamburgers? In a move that caused the absolute meltdown … Read more

Virginia Governor Ralph ‘Blackface’ Northam Owes Gun Owners an Apology

By CCRKBA Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam should apologize to the thousands of gun owners who turned out Monday for their annual, and peaceful, Second Amendment rally, and to the thousands more his hysteria kept away, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. “Following a peaceful gathering of law-abiding gun … Read more

Despite the Media’s Best Efforts, the VCDL Lobby Day Rally Was a Peaceful Victory

This one is for @nbcmews @Julio_Rosas11 #VCDL #VALobbyDay #VALobbyDay20 #IStandWithVirginia @CamEdwards @StephenGutowski @Gabby_Hoffman @PolitiBunny pic.twitter.com/OOwO0EEUDf — J (@TinyDancer0912) January 20, 2020 “On a day that is meant to celebrate what would have been the 91st birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., the nation is grappling with emboldened white nationalist groups and racial … Read more

Ralph Northam Blackface Posters Showing Up All Over Virginia

It looks like there’s no stopping the guerrilla activist movement that Virginia locals have started in response to state Democrats’ push for more restrictions on their Second Amendment rights. First reported in the Culpeper Star-Exponent, flyers and posters featuring the blackface and klan image from Governor Ralph Northam’s college yearbook are showing up all around … Read more