What’s Old is New: Media Plays the Sex Card

Voluptuous is a loaded word. In this case, deployed by The New York Daily News in their story Female gun fanatics on the rise: More women, like ‘three gun’ champ Tasha Hanish, buying guns, it sounds an awful lot like GFILTF. [Hint: think MILF with guns.] Which is a bit peculiar, seeing as the writer in question is a woman of a certain age. Still, we’ve seen this editorial tone before: women with guns are odd, but righteous, but worrying, but sexy! And here it is, again, still, from the [uncredited] floor of the NRA ConFab. “Tasha Hanish, with a semiautomatic on her belt and a rifle in her hands, looks as if she leapt out of a video game onto the NRA gun show floor. If FNH USA thought the athletic brunette would be good fishbait to lure male gunbuyers away from the Remington and Smith & Wesson booths, they were right: men were rapt as she showed off the features of FNH guns. She knows what she’s talking about. [Ed: Whoa!] ”I’m 30, and I’ve been shooting for 17 years,’ Hanish told the Daily News. ‘My dad took us out hunting in Oregon. He taught me.'” Tsk tsk. You just HAD to trace it back to a guy, eh? OK, ready for the anti-gun shading?

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